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|C A I N|

Cain awoke the next morning with thick arms wrapped tightly around his torso, his face shoved into a chest that slowly rose and fell. Cain inhaled deeply, the smell of brown sugar wafting from his human pillow.

Cain tediously opened his eyes. He was on Emerson, both of them were sleeping on the couch. Emerson groaned as Cain struggled to move. Emerson rolled over, clutching Cain even tighter who was now trapped beneath him. He huffed tiredly.

Cain whined impatiently, but he wasn't exactly hating the heat surrounding him. Emerson's embrace wasn't always the most comfortable, but Cain still loved having Emerson wrapped around his little pinkie.

"Emmy! P-please let me g-g-go!" Cain complained into Emerson's shoulder.

Emerson mumbled incoherently before slowly rolling his hips forward. Cain whimpered as he felt something poking at his upper thigh. It was hard and made a warm feeling start to collect in the bottom of his stomach. Can couldn't help it, it felt so good he couldn't control the pleasured mewls that escaped him. Emerson's rocking steadily increased, soft moans left his lips. Cain moved forward I rhythm along with him. Emerson's thrusts became rougher as he dry-f*cked Cain.

"E-Emerson!" Cain gasped, using his full name as Emerson pushed rather forcefully onto Cain.

Suddenly, Emerson's eyes flew open as he let out a surprised yelp. He tumbled off the couch, pulling Cain along with him. Cain moved forward against Emerson as he stopped moving his hips forward. Cain buried his face into the crook of Emerson's neck as he continued to rub up against Emerson.

Emerson screamed before pushing Cain off of him. Cain sat dumbfounded in front of him, pawing at Emerson's hand that held him in place. He liked what Emerson had been doing, it felt like a nice belly rub almost.

Emerson scurried to his feet, his breathing heavy and wild. His hair was its usual morning mess as he ran his hands through it. His eyes were everywhere as Cain sat on the floor, his face full of need.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god! I just humped my cat in my sleep! My cat humped me in my sleep! Oh my f*cking god!" Emerson muttered to himself.

"E-Emmy? What's w-wrong?" Cain asked, his ears flattened against his head.

"He has no f*cking idea what he has done! None!" Emerson continued to mumble as he backed up against the wall.

     Cain watched with tears collecting in his eyes as Emerson stormed off into the bathroom, leaving the confused kitten almost crying on his floor.

     Cain shut his eyes tightly. He was overreacting. Emerson was always moody, he would be happier when he came back out of the bathroom.

     Cain assured himself this before becoming restless. Emerson was taking a very long time. What was he doing?

     Cain chewed on the inside of his cheek, debating on what to do. He arose from his position onto all fours before sitting back down. He rolled over on his back, trying to resist the urge to see what Emerson was doing. He knew Emerson needed some space to cool down.

     After the morning events, Cain somehow felt incredibly dirty. Like he had just done something completely awful and then rolled in dirt. He had the undeniable urge to clean himself.

     Cain licked his hand, the smooth texture of skin different from the soft feeling of fur on his tongue. Cain's tongue ran along his arm, stopping at his sleeve. He tugged off the shirt, ready to cleanse himself.

     His pink muscle lathered his body in saliva. He pulled down his trousers before cleansing his legs too. In the middle of licking the back of his thigh, he heard Emerson's footsteps in the hallway.

    Cain's eyes lifted to Emerson's as he continued to wash himself. Emerson let out a whimper of his own before covering his face with his hands.

     "C-Cain! Oh god! What the h*ll do you think you are doing?" Emerson's voice was very high-pitched as he squealed.

    "C-cleaning my se-self," Cain returned, stopping the action as he sat at attention for Emerson.

    "That's not how you bathe! That's how a cat does it! You are human now! You take showers!" Emerson's voice was still incredibly shrill.

    "Oh. I-I'm still a c-cat! I just ne-need to figure out h-how to fully shift back and th-then I w-won't be human anymore," Cain affirmed.

     "No! You can't just stay a cat forever! Please Cain," Emerson begged, his hands falling from his face in a complete mood swing.

    Cain cocked his head to the left, completely and entirely confused. He had no idea what was going on. The morning had been entirely hectic...

    "Come on, Cain. Let's give you an actual bath..." Emerson rubbed his eyes tiredly as Cain followed close behind him as they came again to the bathroom.

     $$Is it me or are things getting HAWT in here? Oh geez, I love writing this book. It's so fun! And I love you guys for all the support! We are reaching towards 200 and maybe farther even! AHHHHH! Thanks for all the love and support! You guys are awesome!$$

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