Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to you!! :)

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Although few of the chapters are already edited :) you can read though whenever you like

Chapter 1

The forest is so beautiful like I want to build a house here and live peacefully away from dangerous people that are out there. Why am I here? What am I doing here deep in the forest? Where is my sister and father? "Hey" I glanced over to an unfamiliar voice and saw a guy standing, a lot taller than I am but his face isn't clear.

*Beep Beep Beep*

Ugh! A dream? Who was that guy? Looking over to my alarm clock to shut it off the time that flashed over it caught me by surprise "I'm gonna be late!! " hurriedly I ran downstairs.
"Hailette you are so going to be late" my sister told me the moment I got to the kitchen to eat breakfast

"I know I slept my first alarm and woke up to the third snooze ugh" I replied to my little sister while munching my sandwhich

After eating my breakfast I asked father to drive me to school but unfortunately he was already off to work and so to make me even more late than I already was I took the bus

5th day in this school what a day to begin and around today is the acquaintance party of the school I'm in.

The day where students 2nd year to 4th year prepare a fun day meeting for all the newbies as we call em' the freshmens,

Im a freshman, I decided to study in this school not because i have to but because i wanted to

I am so prepared for today, honestly I am so excited

The activity hadn't started when I got to school, there were so many students in the campus, good thing there is no class or I would be so late.

I then went to look for my friends so that it would feel less awkward walking around all alone people might think I'm a loner or something.

"May I have your attention everyone,ATTENTION PLEASE,..
This is your student council president, Everyone gather at the court immediatly,
We will be starting our welcoming party for the 1st year tyros' "

After I heard the announcement  I directly went to the court, many gathered quickly it seemed like they are also excited and I had a feeling that the higher levels are planning a surprise for us.

Any second later the program started and there came the "getting to know each other " part. The student council had an organized plan, we were forced to go to random groups and meet random people, it's quite sad when your alone especially if you were in a situation like this, well it would depend on what type of a person you are.

I went to a group where there are full of girls and we exchanged names, who I am and many more, then later on all the seniors had bought us friendship bracelets then gave it to us. One by one

Then later on a guy gave me another bracelet it was different from any of the other bracelets,

I stared at his hand holding the bracelet, I wondered why he is giving me a bracelet when I already have one

Without further thinking I took it from his hands then he smiled

" I thought you would never take it.. :) "

"But why though I already have one... See?" I said as I flash the first bracelet I've received from someone else

"Well.. I sort of took this chance to confess to you." he said directly
"What?" I felt my cheeks burning up and I sure as hell am turning red

I was too astonished to move, my eyes went wide but for only a moment a shake my head lightly "yeah and I'll be back to properly introduce myself to you catch ya later" he said winking at me before leaving

The program continued on and I went to the bathroom. I glanced over the mirror on the wall and stared at my own reflection I'm not that pretty I said to myself why would a guy like him even notice a girl like me?

I went out of the restroom sighing and opened the door widely accidentaly hitting someone with it.

"OW!" he said angrily

"oh, my bad I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry" I said slightly bowing my head repeatedly

"grrr. I had enough bad luck this morning" he reacted

"I'm so sorry it's totally my fault I'm so clumsy" I told him

he only glanced over to me then left without even accepting my apology "WAIT" I shouted but he didn't stop walking away nor even look back

Then when I return to the where the program was being held it seemed like the party was already over.

"hey!!" someone shouted

I glanced over to where the voice came out. Oh it's him

he was smiling to.. to whom? he seemed to be looking at my direction I  shouldn't smile back maybe he is referring to someone else, maybe he's referring to the person at my back.

then I looked back nobody's there,
then he went nearer "hey are you avoiding me Hailette? "

I was shocked. how did he know my name? I never told him it's kinda unfair when he knows my name and I don't know his.

"err, I'm not avoiding you, but wait. how'd you know my name?"

"I have my ways " then he winked at me

"It's kinda unfair that you know my name and I don't know yours" I stated

" I'm Robbie Jackson " ah..

" 17 years old, single and available if you want you could --"

" no! I mean sorry to shout, I, um. just name, no background, or status or whatever, umm " I immediately cut him off before our topic might flew to something engaging

"oh I'm so sorry I got carried away well umm what're you doing anyway? walking alone in the campus?" he asked

"well, I was looking for my friends " I replied to his question

"um. okay I will accompany you then" he suggested

"what! no please I don't really mind being alone" I said

"I will come with you" he look so forceful and spoiled wanting to get what he wants , well I shouldn't be judging him, who am I to judge anyway? I started my search along with Robbie whom I found hard to get rid off I might say. A while later I again saw the guy whom I've bumped with the door last time at the restroom and called out to him eager to apologize and to be forgiven.

End of chapter 1

[Done editing chapter 1]

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