43 school returns

42 5 1

Chapter forty-three


Hailette's POV:

Finally school's back. Yes.

I'm not grounded anymore

DAD WENT HOME from his work bringing nothing but papers.. he punished me to finish up his pile of work which is the papers... Yeah

And this is why I hate papers..

They are HORROR! 

My worst nightmare !

The punishment coming from dad that I hate the most

He even made me stay up all night just to finish those stuff,  and of course I had to

At around 3am I finished his work and he made me cook breakfast which is impossible for me to do,  I then boiled eggs and cooked rice

I toast ten pieces of loaf bread less fat and made hot cocoa, few hours later dad and Dianna went up and into the kitchen and dig in

"Hey!  I had to eat first I made them! "I yelled

"You can remake them dear "dad replied sipping the cocoa with delight

Guh so unfair..

"Nice breakfast Sis.. thanks you "she said as she stood up and went to her room to bathe I think?

Later on dad went up too and bathed,  Geez I'm not a maid why am I doing this again?

I sat on the table and ate Whats left on the plate. Geez thank you for leaving me crumbs you prologue are so thoughtful

Oh the sarcasm

"Hailette I'll be off now,  take care in school "dad with as he leaves

Why are  you always away dad?   The sentence that couldn't be said,  sometimes I wonder does he even love us?  Why is he always away?  Well I already know  the reason and that he is doing this for us but..

Will there be a time that maybe someday we could bond together,  Diana, him and I having a good time enjoying each others company and talk about stuff..  any stuff

*sigh * it's easier said than done

I checked the clock it's already 6am and didn't sleep.

"Sis I'm going to school now bye-bye! "She yelled  running outside why is she in a hurry?

I went upstairs different after I finished washing the dish to sleep,  this is the first time I'd ever cook for the family and it feels good yet firing at the and time

I laid down to sleep when I suddenly heard my phone ring

"Hello who is thi- "

"Go to school... if out wont go to school I'll  drag you to school young lady. There is  no excuse for you to be out of school in a day "

End call..

Dad... guh what kind of punishment is this!?  Why me!  Huhhuhu so unfair... ~~~~~~~~~~

I arrive school just on time for he first period about to start.

"Oh hai-- "

"Hey rick "I sad running not  letting him finish his sentence

I saw Robbie  and Jake out in the fields,  practicing already?  Somehow I envy them  noT having the worry to get on time while on the other hand everything is a rush

Jake did join the football team,  I wonder how his doing? Is e good with football?  Yeah maybe

Few moments later I reached class that jut started their session and I excused myself as I apologize

The teacher let me in and accepted my apology

but few minutes later everything was blurry

And I drifted off to sleep..





Hey guys!  I know this chapter's short but still I'm writing  ten chapters this week anyway so I'm sure yo don't mind at all.

Remember the last chapter wherein Jane asked Hailette about her skipping class?  It was when Jane thought Hailette was schooling in sembreak since there was a three days session in school..

(One of the ten chapters to be uploaded this week )

Vote, comment,  follow me and forgive me for this short chapter!  :)

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