40 the canny white lies (or not a lie afterall)

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and that my friend is how it is

And now it won't be nate's POV let's go back to our main



Chapter forty

Hailette's POV:

I'm still troubled with Nate but then I'm still grounded

What was bothering nate? Why can't he share and open up to me atleast.

Doesn't he trust his future sister-in-law? Hahahah as if

But seriously though doesn't he trust me? Where has our bond gone to now?

I really wanna know, I want to know

I know I am a bit selfish but I want to help Nate, maybe if he'll open up to me I can help him with whatever's bothering him

"Halle "

"Yes Jake? "I asked quite sympathetically due to my narration earlier. I just care and is quite concerned for Nate

"You've been spacing out lately Whats the matter? "Robbie asked

"It's nothing important (to you guys ) really "I replied

Jake looked at my eyes deeply, is he observing me? Again with that. Don't try and read my mind Jake or else

"Halle meet me outside after this "Jake said standing up and leaving us alone in the canteen

I watched him leave and when he was far out of sight I went back with Robbie and finally took a bite of my Burger

I then felt someone's eyes on me and it's quite very strange ,I looked up and saw Robbie eying me suspiciously

"What? "Was all I said

"Weren't you suppose to go after him? "He asked quite amazed when I didn't got the point when Jake said Halle meet me outside after this

"Oh, sorry I -"

"Something really is bothering you "he said with a faint smile on his flawless charming face

I was speechless "uh-go? Jake is not the kind of guy who waits "Robbie said

I quickly organized myself as I excused from Robbie and left running in a hurry, I ran outside the cafeteria and got blocked by Jake himself

I crashed in his strong body wherein I almost fell when he catches me.. "Tch " was all he said

I pushed him playfully and was looking down when I said "what do you want? "He glared at me

And I can sense it "let's go "he said

"Where? "

"To Nate "Jake finished without letting me reply as he grabbed me by the hand and we ran to his car rather dragged me into his car.

He threw me inside like he was kidnapping me or taking me somewhere to salvage me (Oh poor me ).good thing I didn't hit the roof nor the door

I landed on the soft seating and when I arranged myself Jake suddenly drives

I was seated at the backseat watching Jake as he drives,

"Once we get there make sure it was all worth it. Understood? "He said without facing me

I just nod even though I'm not sure if he saw my response, few minutes later we arrived there

Jake went out of the car first and then took me from the backseat "make sure you get pleased with his answers or else "Jake said emotionless looking at me transparently

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