Chap 4

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2 months later......(broken leg has healed)

Jaws was soon moved to a much smaller building with 3 other dogs locked in cages that just barely fit them, as Jaws's cage did. Those were master's favorites. Her cages was still dirty as ever, waste and blood covering the floor.

Not long after she was brought to her new home, Jaws was grabbed by the scruff of her neck, a heavy collar strapped around her neck, and was chained to a treadmill and forced to start running. An hour passed, and Jaws was tiring, but she continued. If it would please master, she would run. As she ran, more dogs were chained to treadmills around the two room building.some close to her growled a warning, which she returned. If there's one thing Jaws learned about dogs, they aren't exactly kind to each other.


Jaws waited days for master, seeing him only taking dogs out, and bringing injured dogs in. One dog didn't come back. When he finally came to her, he just put her back on the treadmill for several hours, then made her hang from a metal ring from noon to dark. By the end of the month, training almost everyday, Jaws's every muscle ached and her paws were raw. She was slightly dehydrated, but fed well.

Not long after she fought again. Master wasn't pleased with her performance And whipped her until a bleeding line stretched across her flank. She was shoved into her cage and master stormed away, grumbling about how Jaws lost him the fight.

Two days later she was brought into another arena with a fat, weak, chocolate pitbull roughly her size, but much older. She was brought into the ring, and was surprised to found the dog was doing nothing. There were no crowds cheering or yelling; no master for the other dog. Only master shouting for her to fight. "P-p-please. D-dont hurt me. " the chocolate dog whimpered and put his head down in submission. Master brought the whip out. "FIGHT! " he shouted as he lashed both dogs. Jaws looked at master, then growled fiercely. she began circling the dog, inching closer every time she finished a circle. "I won't hurt you. Just trust me. Pretend like I am and master will fall for it. " Jaws replied.poungrippedWhenerenerer claws tore into the chocolate's flesh. He squealed in pain. She then twisted her head and gripped the dog's tail. The dog tried to run, which caused real, deep wounds, which caused the dog to struggle more. Jaws let go and the chocolate pitbull kept running anfd hit yhe sode oif the ring.When the other dog seemed almost dead, master took him out, his sides covered in blood;not HIS blood, but blood from Jaws's own wounds inflicted by master's whip. Master looked at the dog, threw him in a cage next to other bait dog cages, and praised Jaws. Jaws hatred this, but if master approved, she would continue. She would of anything for master, if it were to end her life.


These are links to amazing pitbull rescue stories. You will hear about Willa, a bait dog who was found wandering the streets, Buddha, who was found injured in a neighborhood where kids threw rocks at him, Candece, another bait dog, and a mother and her pups getting rescued.

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