Chap 3

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As the weeks went by pebbles began seeing dogs go to fight and not come back, or come back only to die  a few hours later due to untreated wounds.    The dogs were removed weeks  later, when maggots wriggled just under their skin and bore into their flesh, leaving a rotten stench   trail to where ever the dead dogs were taken.   Not long after one of the master's   second in command  master  cleaned up a dead dog, pebbles was  taken to a training area, to build her strength. There she was forced to bite down on a hanging piece of metal, keeping her in the air, just to make her stronger,. If she couldn't last long enough to please the master, she  was whipped.  By the time they were finished, Pebbles was tired and could barely stand. Instead of master bringing her to her cage, she was brought to an arena.  A  mastiff was placed in front of her,  growling  and staring at her with eyes that held nothing but a blood thirsty killer.  Whistles were blown and the Doge's collars  released, and  the masiff lunged strait for Pebbles's leg. With a sickening crunch, The leg snapped.  In return pebbles  turned around. And  gripped the  mastiff's  ear. She jerked her head around and  didn't stop until   all that was left  was a  bleeding stump. Both dogs reared on their hind legs  and clawed at each other, snapping and biting  at each other's faces. The mastiff shoved Pebbles  back, and she skidded across the arena floor.   Barely able to stand now, pebbles whimpered.  "What has become of you? "   the  other dog simply growled  and stood over pebbles. He picked her up by  the scruff of  her neck, shook his head, and threw her  across the arena. As the dog drew near,  pebbles used all of her  remaining strength (which wasn't much, mind you) to rip out the other dog's throat. " it's okay.  you don't have to go through this torture anymore."  As the mastiff fell to the earth, the crowds cheered. Master shouted "Jaws can challenge any dog, any time, any place!"" Pebbles, or Jaws, could barely  keep her eyes open  when her master dragged her to the  small stand were  dogs with broken bones were splinted until the dog could walk again. Jaws was lucky. Few dogs were treated at all,  and the ones who were were usually favorites, which means Jaws would have to fight  more often.

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