Day 3

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A/N: When I started the draft of this it was actually pride month, so, please, bear with me.

***Squip Narration***

After Jeremy goes home he starts to wonder more about Michael. Michael has always been cheerful, and of course he has his days when he's gloomy or when he's having a small panic attack, but old video games and movies usually help. But this time they don't even help even in the tiniest way.

***Jeremy's P.O.V.*** MichaelMelloncholy (Referencing)

I wonder what went wrong, what's making Michael seem more like Michael Mellancholy instead of Michael Mell. I rewind to the day before. I go through what happened during the movie in my head. At the beginning we sat on the bean bags and got in front of the tv to watch it. The bean bags were pretty close so they made a makeshift loveseat. Then it hit me. Halfway through the movie I saw that his hand was just there in the space between us, so I decided to put mine on top of his just to mess with him, but he didn't do anything about it. He just sat there. Was he so mortified by it that he couldn't think of anything to say to me?

I decide not to think to much of it and get ready for school. I put on a gray t-shirt that helps me be unseen and unnoticeable. I get my Boyf backpack packed up and ready to go.


I'm at my locker waiting for Michael when I get a notification on my phone. I check it thinking that it's just a weather alert or something, but it actually turns out to be a text from an unknown number. It says: How do you feel?

Heere I am: Who is this?!

Unknown: Are you going to answer my question or not?

Heere I am: I feel fine, can you please just tell me who this is?!

Unknown: I'll get straight to the point, I know how you feel. About two people in particular.

Heere I am: What?!

Unknown: I've seen the way you look at Christine and Michael. You can't decide which one you like, can you?

Heere I am: No! And why do you think you know anything?!

Unknown: If you don't choose soon, both of them might just be stolen from you. After all, someone might just try to take them from you. So, you should choose before someone else does the choosing for you.

Heere I am: Why does it seem like you're threatening me...?!

Unknown: Let's just say that I wanted to warn you. Bye.

.Unknown is offline.

"That was strange," I whisper to myself.

I lift my head to see Michael coming towards me with a silly grin on his face. I return the smile and wave him over here. I look at his jacket and see that he added a new patch to it. Is that a gay pride patch?

"Cool patch right?" Michael says.

"Well, it's-"

"Gay?" Michael finishes his sentence.

"I-I was going say colorful, but sure," I stammer.

"Well, I would say that it suits me very well," Michael grins.

Suddenly, something clicks into place for Jeremy,"So, does this mean you're telling me that you're gay?"

"Well, pride month kind of just inspired me, so yeah. I got the patch this morning so that I could sort of just come out easily? Well, how does this make you feel?" Michael asks. He sounds a little anxious.

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