Day 4

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A/N: I'm a slow updater, so sorry for the wait. Well, enjoy this chapter of the Boyf riends bonding.

***Squip Narration***

The next day Jeremy starts to receive more suspicious texts. Of course, he just blocks the number like any sensible person, but he's still worrying. What is this person trying to tell him?

***Jeremy P.O.V.***

I'm waiting for Michael- so out of routine, I know- but then my phone buzzes. Again. I don't get texts unless if it's Michael, but, of course, when I look at my phone, it's that "Unknown" person.

Unknown: You still haven't made a up your mind, have you?

Heere I am: Can you seriously stop?! This is getting on my nerves.

Unknown: You still haven't answered my question.

Heere I am: I shouldn't have to! I don't even know who you are!

Before they can type anything else I pull up the option to block their number. I press the confirm button and breath a sigh of relief. At least I won't have to deal with that annoying texting again. I look up and see Michael with a kind of look that says: "Have I got something to tell you!"

"Jeremy, have you heard?" He asks excitedly.

"Heard what? Did I miss something?" I ask confused.

"Well, Rich and Jake started dating! They updated their statuses and now the whole entire school is blowing their phones up with texts!" He exclaims.

"Wait, Rich and Jake are gay?"

"You're close. Rich is bi and Jake is pan," He corrects.

"Wait, the rumors about Jake were true?!"

"Well, no duh Sherlock," Michael rolls his eyes.

"So, who is the guy you like? I wanna get you two together. Play matchmaker?" I joke.

"N-no way! Plus, I said that I wouldn't tell you until I give you your birthday present!" Michael's face turns to a shade of red.

"Fine. But then you can't back out because I'm totally gonna be your matchmaker," I go along with my stupid joke.

"I honestly don't think you'll have to do that. I already know that their answer will be 'no'. You'll see what I mean on Friday, okay?" He mumbles to where I can barely Hear him.

"What? Are they so straight that not even Michael Mell can convert them?" I joke to try and lighten the mood since he looks so pitiful.

"Well you've been- Never mind! Just, it won't work out," He says, his face going completely red.

He looks like he's about ready to have an attack. His breathing is more labored and he only goes red when he's nervous (which can lead to an attack), embarrassed, having an attack, or if he's just angry. I doubt that he's angry.

"Hey, are you okay? If you need to calm down we can go to the bathroom," I reassure.

"I-I'm fine. I'll be fine. Everything is fine," He's trying not to break down.

"I was just messing around. I'm sorry," I apologize.

"That's not the point. Just, trust me when I say that he won't like me back. He's already in love with Chri- someone else. Can we talk about something else? Please?" He seems to beg when he says please, and I just can't say "no" to him.

"So, what type of porn did you watch this morning?" I ask.

He starts to laugh uncontrollably,"Out of all of the questions you could ask me,you ask that? Of all things?!"

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