Day 5

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A/N: Sorry for taking so long to publish this chapter. I had the starting of highschool to deal with, so that's fun... Well, anyways, I hope you enjoy a chapter of Jenna and Christine bonding. Some of you may not ship it, but I think this book needs more gay girls. I mean, it only has guy guys so far. 

Christine P.O.V.


I sneeze into the tissue to avoid getting anything gross on anything in my room. I woke up about 5 minutes ago, but I didn't feel like going to school at all. 1) My nose is stuffy and runny, so that would mean carrying tissues with me everywhere, 2) My throat feels as if it is as dry as a desert, and 3) I have a pounding headache that won't go away as well as a fever.

I groan and flop back down on my bed. I'm probably contagious so I can't go to school... Suddenly, a ping comes from my phone. I lift it from my bedside table and see that it's a text from Jenna.

JBabe: Do u want to get lunch with me today? :3

Juliet: I cant :,(.

JBabe: y not???

Juliet: Im sick T_T.

JBabe: I have a idea.

.JBabe is offline.

But I still wanna talk...

I lay there and a pouting look starts to form on my face. I like talking to her, probably more than other people, but our conversation was cut short. After wallowing and pouting for 20 minutes, I hear a the doorbell ring. Who could that be?

I wrap a blanket around myself and start the maybe 30ft walk to the front door. Once I finally reach the door and open it, I am met by a smiling Jenna who has a plastic bag full of small containers.

I feel my face heat up,"So this was your 'idea',"

"Yep! I'm coming in," I let her in and she automatically draggs me to my room.

When we reach my room I look down at the plastic bag in her hand,"What's in there?"

"Soup. It should help. At least, that's what my mom says," She says cheerfully.

"Oh, thank you. But I might be contagious! You need to leave so that you don't catch what I have!" I exclaim.

"Nonsense. If I bring down your fever then I'll be fine," She says.

"Wait, how do you know I have a fever?" I ask.

"Because your face is red. If it weren't for the fact that you're sick, I'd think that you're blushing," She jokes.

I'm being to obvious!

"W-why would I even be blushing? I mean, I only blush when I crush on people a-and," My voice cracks and I stop myself.

"I know, I know. Let's just get you in the bed with an icepack and some soup," She waves her hand to the bed and I go lay down.

"I already know my way around your kitchen, so I'll be at your service, Juliet," She continues to joke.

"O-okay," I manage to get that out before screaming internally.

When she walks out of the room I bury my face in my pillow so that my screams can be muffled by it. Jenna came over to take care of me because I'm sick. That's something that couples do!

After I gain my composure, I make sure to look natural. After a few minutes of me making silly faces at myself in the mirror, Jenna comes back in and puts a bowl on my bedside table. She puts a water bottle on my coaster and there's an ice pack in her hand.

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