Day 6

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A/N: I am so sorry for taking so long to update. (I probably need a 10000 word chapter to make up for not updating, but I don't think that's humanly possible for me). Also, no Squip narration for this chapter or the rest. From now on I just wanna get straight to the fanfic.

***Michael's P.O.V.***

My knees really hurt right now. No joking, I've been standing and walking almost all day. First, I had school to deal with, so there was that walking and standing. Well, I don't stand for the pledge of allegiance. But, that's my business so I won't elaborate on that. 

After school though is when it got actually tough. I have to get Jeremy's birthday present, the squip, a day in advance so that I can get it done and prepare for both my confession and his reaction. I drove to the mall, obviously. The part when I arrived was problem though. I only go to the mall to go to Spencer's, so I never go to Payless. Ever. I had a hard time pushing through the crowd and looking for it at the same time, so I missed it three times before seeing the big letters saying "Payless" outside the store. Wow, I'm a genius.

So, here I am, a little out of character today and also standing in a place that makes me seem even more so like something is definitely making this an off day. I mean, I smoked weed on the way here, not that anyone cares because everything is pretty much legal in NJ, so you could tell by my stoned expression that this was definitely the last place I should be. Regardless, I go in and I go up to the counter. I am met with two people that look like they should be in Hot Topic instead of a shoe store.

"Hello, can I help you?" The woman with a black dress asks me.

"Um, I'm looking for a Squip? Do you know where I can get one?"

The guy steps in,"Dude, come behind the counter. We got some for ya',"

I comply and end up going into the door behind the counter that leads to the employees lounge. Once we're inside, I spot various shoe boxes that are stacked on top of each other. But, on one column, there is a shoe box that has a faint blue glow to it.

"Um, any reason why one of these things is not like the others?"I raise an eyebrow in questioning.

"Well, duh," Say both the girl and guy in unison.

The girl goes over and picks up the shoe box. She walks back to us and opens the lid so that I can see its contents. Squips. Possibly hundreds of them.

"That'll be 400," Says the Guy.

"Oh, um, okay," I hand over the cash and almost feel guilty about my aunts beanie babies being sacrificed over the squip. I had to get the money from somewhere. 

"Now, just so we're clear, this technology isn't legal and we have no responsibility for what it might do to you or say to you. Also, all sales are final," The girl says.

"Okay, whatever,"

"And, a tip, be sure to take it with Mountain Dew," The guy interjects.

I nod my head, say "Thank you," and "Bye" and then I walk out of the store.


As I walk out to my car, I get this really weird feeling in my gut. I possibly just bought the end of my friendship with Jeremy. Once I get in my car, I just sit there and think about how painful that may be. Of course, since I'm also blind with love, I just decide that as long as Jeremy is happy, that I'll be happy. 

I put the key in the ignition and twist it so that the car will start up. I take a moment to exhale with emphasis and then I take the car out of park and put my foot on the brake. I slowly set in reverse and look behind me before I ease my foot off of the brake. I make it out of the parking lot fine and make it onto the road. 

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