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He's my best friend. We've been best friends since I was four, when I moved to the little town of Acorn Valley in Delaware. My mom always makes jokes how we would look cute together – it's more embarrassing when he's in the room.

He's all I've been thinking about during our Winter Break. We have two weeks off from school, which I enjoy greatly. I'm really upset that it's almost over. School lately, has been more of a drag than usual.

I trudge through the thin snow that covers the ground. My destination, the park, is not far from me. The clouds overhead show that it's about to snow again. Even bundled up, I couldn't keep the bitter cold from pinching my skin. I hate the cold. I really miss the warm weather of Arizona. Even thinking about it warms me up inside.

He called me this morning, telling me to meet him at the park today, by the big pine tree. It's kinda stupid to call me really, since he lives right next door. I always melt when I hear his voice. He's talking about our pine tree. It's where we first met years ago. I love that tree. I can't even count how many times we've hung out by the large trunk or climbed the sturdy branches. We love going to the tippy top and watching the town stretch out before us; I feel like a princess when I'm up there, with her knight by her side. I quickly find the tree, near the center of the park, and lean on the sturdy trunk.

I wait a good ten minutes before getting impatient. Where is he? He really isn't going to make me wait out in the cold, is he? He better not leave me hanging; he knows how much I dislike the winter season. Suddenly, I hear rustling and look up. I see a figure in the pine needles, slowly deceased down the branches of the great tree. Then a face pops up.

I'm met face to face with the person. I smile as I notice the high-cheek bones and the dimples of the oh-so-familiar face. He's hanging upside down from the tree, making his black bangs fall cutely around his magnificent green eyes.

“About time, Nick,” I say, jokingly. He rolls his eyes.

“Oh shut up and get your ass up here Emily,” he says with my same tone of humor. He hands me a gloved hand, which I gratefully take. Together, we climb the pine tree in a graceful manner. We both have been up this tree millions of times and know exactly where to step our feet and put our hands.

I'll admit, Nick's been my crush for a long time now (if you hadn't notice before). The way his eyes glimmer whenever something exciting happens makes my heart swell. The way his hair falls perfectly into place, even on the windiest of days makes me wonder if he's magic. He has a pretty well-built body as a soccer player, which only makes him look hotter than he already does. He's not just looks though, he's also the sweetheart from Delaware that befriended the new girl from across the country. He comforts and talks to me during the roughest of times and has the most contagious laugh in the whole world. I don't think we'll ever be more than friends though, no matter how much I yearn for him. He's also known as one of the “popular people”, which means I have zero chance of ever leaving the friend zone.

We go as high as the sturdiest branch, a bit way from the tippy point. I sit on the branch, leaning onto the trunk and gaze out at the scenery. The whole town looks like it's covered with a sparkly shear cloth; absolutely magnificent. Nick takes a seat next to me. He fidgets around in his seat.

I take a risk and take his hand into mine. Our hands mold together into one. I'm really happy when he doesn't pull away.

“Sorry I was late, my watch broke,” he says. I shrug it off.

“It's alright. What did you want to talk about?” I ask in a dainty voice.

“Can't I just call a friend out here to climb a pine tree together?” he asks. It's very unconvincing.

“I know there's more to that,” I say. “So spill before I get the hell out of here. My ass is freezing.” He chuckles and rubs the back of his head uncomfortably. I notice the way he glances at our intertwined hands. I take my hand out of his.

“Well..uh..” He looks very nervous about what he's trying to get out.

“Is it about Penelope?” I ask. Even if I can't have him, doesn't mean I don't want him to be happy. I've been helping him get this girl, Penelope. I don't understand what he sees in her besides minimal clothing and enough makeup to fill a warehouse. It's ironic how the popular boy needs dating advice from the unpopular girl.

“No, um..I don't like her anymore,” he mutters, keeping his gaze down at the ground. “I kinda, like someone else now.” Who could it be this time? I hope it's not another whore.

“Oh,” I whisper. “Do you mind me asking who?”

“Her eyes are a gorgeous aquamarine that resemble all the oceans and hair is like rich dark chocolate. My heart rate speeds up whenever I see her face. She can be the most delicate daisy petal, but a hardcore mountain at the same time. She can always make me laugh and I feel like I can share anything with her.” His face looks so calm while he's describing this mysterious girl. Whoever she is, she better hold him tight; this boy is love-struck. He looks me in the eye. “And she's sitting right beside me.”

It takes me a minute or two to comprehend what he just says. Then I realize that I'm sitting next to him. Well duh, no one else is up in a big pine tree when there's snow on the ground. I look deep into his eyes. He's not joking.

“What?” I whisper. It can't be me. He couldn't be serious.

“Isn't it obvious?” he asks with a smile. He takes his hand back in mine. He brings it to his lips. “I, Nicholas Liam Griffiths, like you, Emilia Miranda Richards.” After each word he kisses one of my knuckles. I blush furiously.

“You're not kidding are you?” I whisper. I hear my heart beat loudly in my chest. I wonder if he can hear it, too.

“So you don't like me back, do you?” he asks. He looks down at our hands.

“I'll give you one hint,” I say. He looks up at me and I lean in, pressing our lips together. I feel the magic like in those stupid romance novels my mom reads or those romance movies. The fireworks light up in the sky as our lips connect. He, at first, hesitates, but then starts complying with my lips. The next thing I know, we're making out in the big pine tree we have grown up with.

When our lips separate, I can still feel the magic lingering in the air. He presses his forehead to mine. For a while, we just gaze into each other's eyes. His wonderful eyes. God, I feel like a lovestruck fool.

“So, you do like me?” he asks. I smile at him.

“Isn't it obvious,” I say with a kiss on his nose. I can see his eyes glow brighter than I've ever seen them before.

This is a great beginning of the year. I can feel that luck's on my side.

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