Day 1

6 1 0

~Ms. Hutchinson

A lot of the time, i think about life and all of the Pros, but there are always some Cons. The Cons that I've seen were the ones about my ex-best friend, Sophie Watson. She was the best friend one could ever have, until last year, she, for no apparent reason, started being a total butt to me. I was so angry, I didn't know how to express my feelings, so I had to express them through crying and laughing while doing so, for a distraction from my true feelings.

See, if I start to cry or feel sad, I'll start laughing to get away the feeling of sadness and put in some laughter and happiness to fix my emotional breakdowns. Some people may not care if they cry in front of people, but I am not, or ever will be, one of those types of people. We have been told about some bullying that was going on in the class, but Robyn has been telling lies. We ask her what she said to Ms. Hutchinson, but she says that she doesn't know what she said. If she doesn't know what she could've said than, how do we know that she told the entire truth to her?

Every time we ask her about it, she always hesitates, like she is going to tell us, when she knows that if she does tell us, that we won't trust her. We already don't trust her fully, she has been telling all these lies to Ms. Hutchinson. Whatever she has said to her about Emma is a lie, for, Emma has done nothing else but be nice to Robyn. Do you have enough nerve to tell Emma to be ashamed for something that she didn't even do?

I don't think that you're realizing the lies that she sets out into the world. She may seem like an innocent little kitten on the outside, but, on the inside, there is this savage she-cat, just waiting to come out and leave another bite to its victim.

Do you know how much your words hurt Emma, she almost never cries, and she said that she almost cried. I mean, would you cry if you were told that you should be ashamed for something when all that you did was nothing? Of course you would, because, that's called accusation. Emma is not the one who should be ashamed of herself. You are.

You are the one who taught us that things that people said, bad things, will be permanently etched into our brains and will damage our self-esteem, think of what you've done to Emma's self-esteem. To know that her own teacher hates her, along with Ms. Driscoll! Don't say that i'm overreacting, for, this is how I always react, you just can't tell since I hide it behind a smile. I hope that you have realised all of the damage that you four have caused. By four, I mean, you, Sophie, Robyn, and Ms. Driscoll. Out of all of you, I think you have done enough to Emma. I don't care if I get in trouble, dad said that I should stand up for my friends and talk back when I feel like it, He won't care. So, my main message is that; you too, are another bully, you picked on Emma for no reason.

Don't bother asking me about this in class. This letter takes all of my courage to speak up and talk out. I hope you understand my feelings and, please tell me what Robyn said to make you say that to Emma. Emma doesn't need a bully in her life, she doesn't deserve it. Don't be the bully. Emma does not treat Robyn like a puppet in any way, but, if she did, then Robyn is saying that she needs to be controlled by us so she works properly. YOU ARE THE BULLY, NOW! We will NEVER speak of this again, GOT IT? Or if you want to be a bully to me, than i'll walk out of class, tell the office that I feel sick, and leave to tell dad, and, trust me, he WILL do something about it. He will go to school, have a "friendly" chat with you, and he'll try to watch his temper and mouth.

We will NEVER speak of this again and you won't tell anyone about this conversation. This is one thing I thought that you would've understood.

~Brooklyn Gallant

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