My Dreams #1

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So, this dream was a bit of a freaky one, it was one that I had last night. It was about what happened last night except I did get to go to crystal beach. If you don't know where that is, it's in my part of Canada. By 'my part' I meant where I live.

So, I was at home drawing my anime drawings and, suddenly, the phone rings. I got up to get it and saw that it was Brooke that was calling me, so, as I always do when she calls, I picked up the phone and answered it.

"Hello!" I exclaimed.

"Hey! Would you like to come to crystal beach with me, we're about to leave." Brooke asked.

I said yes and asked her what I should bring, btw, it was, like, 10 or 9 in the morning! She said that when she gets to the house that we would figure everything that I would need out. I asked how long that we'd be there, she said a week.

My parents were gone for the summer, so I would've guessed that it was okay! She got here in, about, one minuete. Usually, she would knock on the door, but, this time, she just opened it and let herself in. She came in and went downstairs into my room. She pressed the door bell (yeah! I have I door bell on my bedroom door!) I opened the door and let her in.

She said that we'd have to hurry. So we packed all of the things that we thought that we would've need, bathing suit, towel, make-up, and a whole lot of other stuff. She said that we had to be quick when we took 1 or 2 hours. We then left to crystal beach, and then I woke up.

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