Day 2

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This was the note that I made to Ms. Hutchinson yesterday, I was so angry, and I still am, but I don't want to cause any more trouble than I already have. Though, she still deserves a teacher, to straighten out her attitude with a wack on the behind with a ruler and a smack in the face. Look, I try to be nice, but no one messes with my friends, especially not some teacher that doesn't know a liar when she sees one. Try being us for a day. You wouldn't be able to stand it! We always ask Robyn about what we did and she always says that we should know since we've done it!

We don't know what we did because, we didn't do anything bad to her. She accuses us for everything we do. I don't want to be friends with someone who accuses her own friends for doing, absolutly, nothing wrong! Would, any of the people who are reading this, like to be friends with someone like this? Of course not! Because, it'd only get worse everyday! Don't take it if people are treating you like this.

You stand up for who you are and tell them off. Ms. Hutchinson is so scared that my dad will do something to her, that she won't even look me in the eye. And, she is right to do so!

So, we asked Robyn why she was upset with us, now, today. She won't tell us because, she knows that she'll get a lecture from us on why we know we didn't do anything and why she should be sorry for what she did. Out of all of the seven sins, I think that she would be jealousy, I may get jealous from time to time, but, all of the jealousy that is showing in her eyes is so much, that, I think that she is blind to the real problem, that problem would be that she is being a bully.

I hope that she realizes that; Brooke can hang out with other people too, and not JUST her. Robyn is so attached to Brooke so badly that it has become like a drug addiction. If Robyn hears that Brooke is going to the pool, Robyn will ask to go, just to see her.

Yesterday, Brooke said that we should go to the movies, just me, her, Emma, and Jacqueline. Even Brooke knew that, if we would have said that in front of Robyn, then, she would've came there with her mom, so, we had to trick her and say that we were going to the pool instead. Robyn is, practically, a stalker to Brooke, she is like a Yandere, and Yandere's are, in no way, good news.

Since you, probably, don't know what a Yandere is; a Yandere is a Japanese term for a person who is, initially, very loving and gentle to someone, before their devotion becomes distructive in nature, often in violence or brutality. You do not want to get a Yandere angry, you'll, no doubt, die of one. One more thing about them, Yandere's have no emotions, due to genes, but, when they meet a certain someone, they have this magnetic pull to them and start to feel.... Different, around the male or female. If they are attracted to the person, then, they will do anything to make them theirs, even if they have to kill, they won't care, as long as they are with there, one and only, Senpai.

I really hope that Robyn will not be one when she is older, or else, she will have to go through me to get to Brooke and take her away from us. I may care about Brooke, but I can't help but feel that Emma is taking away Brooke too. They're always doing things together, it's really getting to me. All that I really want is for Brooke to notice that I want to spend some quality time with her too, and not JUST those two. I always get left out of stuff because, they always want to be alone together. It's really getting to me, in such a very bad way. Maybe I am a little jealous, but, since I got wrath out of the seven deadly sins, I WANT THOSE TWO TO FEEL MY WRATH!

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