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Ok, so this ones gonna be a bit different, but I just had the idea pop into my head and was like I totally need to this. So yeah, hope you enjoy!!

(Btw, Simon is in hi last year of high school and Harry is two years younger than him.)

Also, I would just like to say that I support all members of the LGBT community.

And also one last thing, sorry, but I'm super close to 5k reads and just wanted to thank you all so so much! When I first started writing these I didn't even expect them to get 5 so, thank you❤️

Third person pov-

Simon was walking the halls of his school, about to exit to go home, when he heard a scream, not one of excitement or a happy scream, but a scream of horror and pain all in one.

Simon forgot all about his plan to get home as soon as possible and headed straight for the noise.

His heart immediately sunk. There was his secret crush, Harry Lewis, lying on the ground, his hands trying to cover his face but failing, as four football(soccer) players were punching and kicking him repeatedly. This broke Simon's heart.

"Hey! What do you think your doing to him?" Simon yelled at his fellow football teammates. Two of the fours boys turned to look at Simon, while the other two held Harry on the ground.

"We're beating up the fag, what does it look like? Wanna join us, or are you too scared you'll get kicked off the team, loser?" One of them answered.

"No I don't want to join in! And for the record, he's not a fag, he's a normal human being just like you, now get lost!" Simon spat at them. The boys scoffed and gave Harry a few more punches, picking him up off the ground only to slam him into a few nearby lockers before casually walking away like nothing ever happened.

Simon ran over to Harry, immediately wrapping the smaller boy up in his long arms.

"Harry, it's okay. I'm here, shh." Simon calmed Harry while walking to the bathroom with him in his arms and setting him down on the counter. Harry surprisingly seemed okay, except for a few bruises and scrapes. Simon was just glad that he didn't hit his head, or else he probably would've been knocked out.

Simon got a wet paper towel and started cleaning the blood off of Harry. Simon knew why this happened, it's because Harry is openly gay. Simon is gay too, but no one knows that. He likes to keep his secret in fear that this would happen to him.

But that didn't matter right then, all that mattered to Simon was Harry.

"W-why are y-you h-helping me?" Harry asked in a shaky voice. This broke Simon's heart.

"Because no one should ever have to go through this, especially not you." Simon said, smiling to himself as he saw a small blush appear on the beaten up boys face.

"But, but I still don't get it. There's probably a bunch of other people out there getting beaten up, but you chose to help me?" Harry asked confused. Simon sighed.

"Do you get this?" He asked and leaned in, connecting there lips in a gentle yet passionate kiss that neither boy wanted to end.

And in the moment, Harry understood. He had had a huge crush on Simon ever since he moved to his school five years ago. And now he knew that Simon felt the same way and he couldn't help but get butterflies in his stomach at just that thought. Harry was now blushing uncontrollably which made Simon chuckle at how cute he was.

After Harry was cleaned up and a few more kisses were exchanged, both boys walked out the doors of the school, hand in hand.

"Wait, Harry," Simon said, stopping Harry before he took another step, "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to be my boyfriend?" He said in a rushed voice. It was now his turn blush as he looked towards the ground.

Harry giggled at the taller boy, grabbing his chin with his free hand and making Simon look at him. There eyes met and they shared the sweetest kiss ever to be had.

"Of course, Simon." He replied, resting his head on the tall blondes shoulder and nuzzling his face into his neck. "Thank you, by the way." He said after a minute or two.

"For what" Simon asked, clearly confused.

"Helping me. If it weren't for you, I'd probably be dead lying in the hall of my school." Harry answered.

"There's no need to thank me. I'd do it any day. I love you, Harry."

"I love you too, Simon, so much."

And that was the start of a beautiful relationship that lasted until their last days.


Hope you enjoyed this(is it too cheesy😂?)!

We got all the a/n stuff done at the beginning, so I guess that's all for now.

I'll hopefully be updating more frequently, but it's hard when you don't have any ideas, SO PLEASE HELP ME BY COMMENTING ANY SUGGESTIONS OR REQUESTS!!! If you could I'd really appreciate it!

Thank you all so so so so much!



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