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Simon's pov~

Harry, my boyfriend, really wanted to go onto the roof of his house in Guernsey to football video when we were visiting his family. None of his family was here at the moment, it was just me and him, and I told him it was a really bad idea but he insisted that he'd be fine.

"Harry, come on." I told him. "Your gonna fall off and get hurt."

"It's fine, Si, I've done a million times before and only fallen off like once. Don't worry." He kept saying, this time he came over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck, causing me to look at him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and leant my forehead against his.

"I know, but I still don't think it's a good idea. I'm just worried about you, Bog." I said in a whisper while looking into his eyes.

"I know. I'll be super careful for you." He said in the same hushed tone as me. I sighed in defeat, knowing he'd get his way either way. I moved my head up to kiss his forehead and then let go of him. He smiled at me, kissed my cheek, and ran outside with his cameras.

About thirty minutes later, I was sitting on the couch going through Twitter when I heard a little scream a slight thump. I threw my phone on the couch and ran to the backyard, knowing exactly what just happened. My thoughts were confirmed as I looked to my left to see to see Harry sitting there on the ground, cradling his wrist. I immediately ran to him and picked him up, carrying him inside.

"I'm so sorry, Si. I was being super careful but the started to fall and I went to catch it and then I fell. I'm really sorry." He said and I could feel a few tears soak into my shirt.

"It's ok. I'm just a little mad that I told you this was going to happen but you still wanted to do it. But your ok and that's all that matters." I told him, kissing to top of his head. I set him down on the kitchen counter and went to grab a wet rag.

I was honestly a little pissed, but he's okay so I guess I'm I'm okay. Once the towel was wet, I walked back over to Harry and started wiping his hands and knees cause they had a few cuts and scrapes on them. I went to wipe his right hand and he flinched away. I looked up at him with worry.

"Sorry. My wrist is kinda sore, I landed on it." He said. I sighed.

"Can you move it?" I asked him, a little worried and also annoyed. He nodded and I grabbed his arm gently and started wiping his hand. When I was done with that, I wrapped his wrist up in an ace bandage and kissed his head. He smiled up at me.

"I'm sorry again, Si." He said.

"It's okay. Just, please, don't do it again. I love you and you scared the shit out of me today." I told him. He nodded his head. I sighed at my cute boyfriend and rested my hand on his thigh, the other on the counter beside him.

"I love you too." He said and smiled. I couldn't help but smile as well. Dammit, I couldn't be mad at him for more that five minutes.

"Do you wanna go cuddle and watch some Netflix or something?" I asked him a few minutes later. He nodded and went to get off the counter, but instead I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the couch. I sat him down on the couch and went to grab the remote. Damn, I really do spoil him a lot. I smiled at the thought and sat Dow next to Harry on the couch, turning the tv on and pulling up Netflix. I wrapped my arm around Harry's waist as he snuggled into my side, resting his head on my shoulder.

Halfway through whatever movie we were watching, I pulled Harry onto my lap. He must've been bored cause he turned around in my lap so he was straddling me. I smiled at him, looking at his facial features. He returned the smile and at the same time, we both leaned in for a kiss, our lips meeting halfway in the middle. The kiss was slow and full of passion. I wrapped my arms tighter around his waist. I bit his bottom lip carefully, asking to take the kiss further. He accepted and opened his mouth, allowing our tongues to explore ever single inch of each other's mouths, the movie completely forgotten about. Our tongues danced together for a few minutes until we both pulled away for air. Harry rested his head on my shoulder after yawning and I chuckled.

"You tired?" I asked him. He nodded his head yes against my shoulder. I turned the tv off and carefully stood up, placing my hands on Harry's bum so I didn't drop him, and walked to his room. I set him down when we got to his room, quickly changing into night time clothes and we climbed into his bed together. I turned on my side, facing Harry. He did the same so he was also facing me. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he cuddled into my chest. We both fell asleep shortly after laying down in each other's arms, forgetting all about why I was mad at him just a few hours ago.


Okay. So. There's one. Thank you Halkatlaa for suggesting this. I hope you enjoyed it.

I hope to get at least one more done today, maybe two. I'm not sure. Please keep sending me suggestions though, it really does help. Thank you and if you enjoyed please vote. And also, I love it when you guys comment about random stuff in the oneshots or suggestions. I just love reading through comments, so please do comment.

Thank you.



P.s. On a side note, I was writing this while it was storming and my dogs were going crazy. Fun times. Lol. Bye!

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