For Me?(Minishaw)

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Simon's pov-

Harry and I have been together for nearly two years now. We live together in our own flat Harry has been begging me to let us have a dog. Tomorrow's his birthday so I thought I'd finally get him what he'd been asking for for quite awhile now. I told him I was running to the store to grab a few things and that I'd be back in a bit. He was going to to the Cals flat to film until late tonight anyways, so I should be good.

I walked down to my car and hopped in, starting the engine and driving to the nearest pet store.

I turned the car off and walked inside, locking the car on the way in. It had been awhile since I'd been to a pet store.

"Hello, how can I help you?" A very nice lady asked as she saw me come in. Her name tag read 'Kelly.'

"I'd like to look at your puppies." I told her politely. She nodded and signaled for me to follow her, so I did. She led me to the back of the store and through a wooden door. Through the door was a bunch of kennels lined up against the walls, two to three puppies in each one.

"The puppies are on the left side. If you see one you'd like to play with, let me know and I'll get it out for you. My names Kelly, by the way." Kelly said before walking to a desk at the back of the room and sitting down.

I turned towards the left side of the room, looking at all the puppies in the kennels.

In the first kennel was two Pomeranian puppies. They were cute, but Harry wanted a bigger dog. In the next kennel sat three German shepherds. Harry liked German shepherds, but these ones were too crazy. In the third kennel was a single husky. It was laying there, happily chewing on its bone, ears pointing straight up. I also noticed that it's eyes were two different colors.(media pic). Harry would love this dog.

"Um, could I play with this one?" I asked Kelly politely. She nodded and walked over, unlatching the the kennel door and grabbing the puppy, walking to the play room, me following her. When I was in the room, she closed the door and set the puppy down. I kneeled down and it ran straight towards me.

"Her name is Hope, but she's young enough that you could change her name if you'd like. She came in with her brother and two sisters, but they've all been adopted and it's just her left. She's four months old. She's very sweet and loves to cuddle but is always up to playing whenever you are. She's very well behaved." Kelly gave me a description of her as she sat in my lap and let me pet her. I knew this was the right puppy for Harry and me.

"I'd like to get her. And could I change her name Ellie?" I asked. Kelly smiled and nodded, telling me to follow her after she had picked Ellie back up and walked to put her back into her kennel so I could do the paper work and everything. After all the paperwork was done, I got to take Ellie back to the front of the shop and pick out her collar. I picked a baby blue collar and a matching leash. I threw them into my basket that was currently holding Ellie and papers and now the collar and leash. I also put a few ropes, bones, treats, puppy food, and bowls into the basket, grabbing a grey bed for Ellie in my free hand. Ellie was extremely happy, but super calm as I paid for everything. Once I was done paying, I put the collar around her neck and attached the leash to it, letting her walk out to the car while I carried everything else. I sat her bed down on the passenger seat, picking her up and putting her in it. She immediately lay down and closed her eyes. She must be tired. I put the rest of the things in the back seat and started driving home.

Ellie did just fine in the car, only waking up when I opened the door after parking the car and getting out. She perked up a bit and kissed my arm when I pet her. She was really sweet. I got her things from the back seat and we walked upstairs to our flat. I decided to put Ellie in the spare bedroom because I knew Harry wouldn't go in there. I set her crate up and put her in it. I then left the room to go rap her things up so I could give them to Harry as birthday presents tomorrow before bringing Ellie out and surprising him.

After wrapping the dog things, I went to our room and got ready for bed, then climbed into bed and scrolled through Twitter while I waited for Harry to get home.
When Harry got home, he quickly changed clothes, brushed his teeth, and climbed into bed next to me. I wrapped my arms around his waist as he cuddled into my chest.

"Goodnight bog." I whispered into his hair.

"Goodnight Si." He mumbled back.

-time skip~morning-

I got up early to take Ellie to the bathroom before Harry woke up. When I got back into the flat, I put Ellie back into her kennel and woke Harry up.

"Happy birthday bog!" I said excitedly while he sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Thanks." He mumbled in his morning voice. I grabbed his first gift from beside the bed and handed it to him. He opened it.

"Si, what is this?" He asked, confused. It was the leash. Next was the collar, then the toys, then the treats, then the dog food. At this point he was getting suspicious, but was still confused.

"Wait right here. Ok?" I asked him. He nodded. I went to the other room and grabbed Ellie from her kennel, taking her to our room.

"Si, you didn't. Is it for me?" He asked in disbelief. I nodded and handed her to him. His face lit up as Ellie began licking his face.

"Her names Ellie and she's four months old. And we're now her dads." I told him. He had the biggest smile on his face as he leaned over and kissed me on the lips. The kiss was short but sweet.

"Do you like her?" I asked him.

"No. I love her!" He replied.


Hey. So this ones kinda different and a bit longer! Hope you enjoyed it though!


Thank you guys!



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