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The doorbell ringing woke me up. I sat up in bed and grabbed my head, groaning in pain from the throbbing headache that was starting.

What happened?

How did I get back up here?

The doorbell rang again. Ugh.

I walked downstairs and headed to the door. I passed by a mirror on the way and was horrified by what was there. On the mirror it said,"I'm watching you," in what I hope was just red paint. I looked at my face and saw what I hoped was still that red paint. I quickly ran to the kitchen sink and scrubbed my face real fast before I opened the door.

I grabbed one of the dish towels to dry my face and headed to the door. I guess the person at the door was getting more fed up because this time the person banged on the door and tried to look through the window.

I know this mother-effer is not banging on my door like this. You do not bang on no black person door, they bout to learn.

All my angry rants went out the door when I swung the door open and came face-to-face with my cute next door neighbor. I would call him fine but right now he's angry and he looks so cute with his face all red.

He held up a chewed up sneaker in my face. Poco.

"You need to keep your dog on a leash Mahj. I had just cleaned these shoes and set them out to dry, just for your big ass dog to come and chew them all up. Blah blah blah blah..."

I just nodded my head not really listening to him. Wow his eyes look really blue right now. Like the sky.

"Mahj! Mahj!"

I shook my head,"Huh?"

"Did you hear anything that I said?" he asked me.

I nodded,"Of course I heard you Carter. Well, I heard the first part but that second part I blanked out on. Did you know that your eyes are really pretty?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed,"Of course you didn't Mahj, I didn't expect you to. And thanks for the eye compliment but seriously please watch Poco."

I nodded," Yeah sure."

"OK. So how about later on me and you go hang out or something.

I nodded my head eagerly. Chill out bro. I calmed my nod down and said," Yea I would like that."

"I'll see you later Mahj. Oh wait. Have you seen my idiot of an older brother. My mom said he didn't come back last night."

"No I haven't, maybe he just went out and got drunk and crashed at a friend's," I said shrugging.

"Well thanks anyway,"he smiled and then walked away to his car.

"Where you going?" I yelled.

"To get some more shoes," he said getting inside the car and starting it.

I laughed and went inside the house. Poco was sitting behind me with his head tilted to the side.

I lent down and hugged,"Good boy, you brought the cute next door neighbor over for me and he asked me out. You little matchmaker," I ruffled his fur and headed towards the stairs.

I caught a glimpse of the mirror again and decided to clean it before my parents eventually got back. I turned my head and looked around the room. I guess I should clean the rest of the room too.


After I got done cleaning, I headed upstairs to get cleaned up. After my shower I got dressed and headed back downstairs.

I opened the door to check the mail when I saw big box sitting on the porch steps. I went to grab but it was to heavy to lift up. I gave up trying to lift it and opened it up.

I was met with a pile of tissue paper and moved them out the way. Underneath the paper was the head of Carter's older brother. His cold dead eyes were staring up at me.

I stepped back and puked all over my mom's flower garden, letting out everything I had eaten the night before. I walked back over to the box to close it.

What am I going to do? I should call the police. I went back inside the house and grabbed the home phone.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. I see you saw my present I left for you," I heard a voice say from behind me.

I turned around and saw the hooded figure from last night. I backed up," What are you doing here? Why did you kill him? What do you want from me?"

He started to laugh, bending over clutching his stomach. "Oh if only you could hear yourself. 'What are you doing here? What do you want from me," he said mocking me," What do you think I want from you? Hmm?"

I shrugged.

"Ugh," he sighed, "I'm pretty sure I told you last night that you would be seeing way more of me. I keep my promises Mahj. Now what are you going to do about that body on your doorstep?"

I looked at the psycho in front of me,"What am I going to do? I am going to call the cops and tell them about it. What else would I do?" I started to dial the numbers when the phone was yanked from my hands.

"What? You don't like my present?" he sneered in my face.

I nodded my head and in response he shook his. "No I don't think you do because if you did you wouldn't try to re-gift it to someone else."

"Well, I can't see anyone really appreciating getting a dead body on their doorstep unless they're in the mob and are expecting it. So no I honestly don't appreciate it. What I would appreciate is for you to leave me the hell alone," I sneered back in his face instantly regretting it, because he grabbed me by the neck squeezing it tightly.

"See this is why I cut out my victim's tongue. All you hum- I mean people talk and talk and talk and talk. Never shutting up," he forced my mouth open and pulled out my tongue placing it between two a fingers,"see how quiet you are now? Hmm. Silence," he said pretending to cut my tongue off with his fingers.

He stepped back from me. I went and grabbed my neck rubbing it to soothe the burn. "Now that we've gotten that out of the way how about you go and take your present over to your neighbor's house and leave it on their doorstep for me. I would do it myself but it wouldn't be as entertaining as it is watching you try and lift the box. The trick is to lift with your knees," he said mimicking the action," go ahead now," he said shooing me away.

My mouth dropped open and he walked over to close it. "We don't want flies do we? Now run along." I walked towards the door and decided it would just be best to make a run for it. I mean what's the worst that could happen?

When I got outside I started to run, jumping over the box and down the street. I ran as fast as I could. I turned around to see if he was behind me and ran into a wall. I hit the ground making an "oof" noise with my mouth. I looked up and came face to face with a huffing hoodie face. I could feel his eyes penetrating through my skull.

How the hell did he get here so fast?

 He yanked me up and pulled my body against his.

"I see we are going to have so much fun Mahj."

I gulped. Well now this is probably going to be the worst thing that happened.

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