You want me to do what?

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I kept walking until I felt like my feet were going to fall off. I checked my surroundings and still saw nothing but road and trees. I sat down on the ground and let out a sigh. I rubbed my hand across my face and looked up at the sky. 

Never seen this many stars in the sky before.

I heard a twig snap behind me so I knew it was time to get up and keep walking. Ain't about to say no hello, or who's there. This is not a cliche horror movie and I am not getting killed. I got up and kept walking. I heard another noise behind me but I kept walking, didn't even look behind me. All of a sudden I was pushed down onto the ground, and I ended up scrapping my hands.

I turned and looked to see Hoodie standing behind me. I rolled my eyes and looked at my now bleeding hands. "Thanks a lot asshole. Now I'm bleeding." He grabbed my hands and pulled out a tissue from his pocket, wiping away the blood. I looked and saw that there wasn't even a scratch on my hands. 

He chuckled and put the tissue in his pocket," You shouldn't have left in the first place so that's your fault. I told you that was just a detour," he rubbed his hands together," Now on to the fun part."

He clapped his hands and now we were in front of someone's house. The only light was coming from a TV on the second floor. "Why are we here? Are you going to kill someone?"

"We are here because you are going to kill someone. Are you excited?" He asked with a hint of humor n his voice.

My eyes almost bugged out of my head," Oh no no no, I'm not killing anyone. The only thing I will kill is a bug and that even depends on the size of the bug." I shook my head and started to back up.

He shrugged his shoulders and grabbed me, pulling me to the front door," Well then just imagine that you're killing a bug." I tried to pull away but he kept his grip tight on my arm. He opened and pulled me inside. 

Who just leaves their door unlocked anymore?

He closed the door softly behind us," The victim's name is Matt Armstrong. So how are you going to do this? Slit his throat? Stab him in the gut?"

"I'm not going to do anything, I'm going to wait for this joke to be over and for you to take me home." I walked over to his couch and sat down. Hoodie leaned against the wall,"When are you going to get that I'm not playing a joke on you I'm serious. Now whats your game plan?"

"You can't be serious."

"I'm dead serious," he walked over to me and pulled a knife from his pocket. "Here, I suggest you creep up the stairs, you're not as light on your feet as me."

My mouth dropped open,"Did you just call me fat?"

"No," he said unconvincingly, shaking his head back and forth.

I nodded my head and fought back my tears, not believing him. I've always struggled with my weight and him saying that brought back old memories. I think he noticed a change in my mood," Mahj I really didn't mean-"

I held up my hand,"Whatever, I'm not doing this." I got up and went to the door and when I touched the doorknob, I felt my body go still. I tried to wiggle my fingers but I couldn't even do that. 

Not this again.

"He's going to die whether you kill him or not. I would rather you kill him, but since that's obviously not going to happen, I guess I will."

I felt my body start to move but I was like I was floating, my feet not even touching the ground as I trailed behind him. We got to the top and the light I saw outside was coming from underneath what I presumed to be Matt's bedroom. He put his finger up to signal for me to keep quiet.

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