Chapter 4

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A/N This chapter is longer than usual. You also find out quite a lot. Still, hope you enjoy!

I stay awake for the rest of the night, my heart beating fast in my chest. I can hear it thumping, the sweat drenching my body and bed covers. When eventually morning comes, I look in a terrible state, my hair in a wild tangle, bags under my eyes and a husky voice. I think nearly everyone comments on how bad I look.

"Is your homesickness keeping you up?" Vicki asks worriedly, but I just shake my head.

"Had a nightmare, that's all. Don't worry, I'm fine," I lie, and luckily she leaves me be, but she still looks concerned. We leave our bedrooms after changing, and go to the dining hall to eat breakfast. I hardly touch my full plate though, and I begin to notice the teachers are staring. The Head even pulls me aside for a word.

"Emma, are you sure you're alright? You don't look well - are you homesick? I'm sure we can fix that," she says. I simply stare at her.

"I'm fine! I just had a nightmare, that's all. No need to make such a massive fuss of me!" I kind-of-shout. She looks taken aback, even slightly hurt. I instantly regret my actions.

"Sorry," I mumble, staring at the floor. She sighs.

"Was the dream that bad?"

"No! Look, um, I need to use the toilet!" I rush, just to escape her. I hear no quick footsteps behind me, informing my safety.


"Ok, the first activity will be some hard work, girls! By yourselves, with no help from teachers nor equipment, you must start a campfire!"

A wave of groans sound around us, and the teacher sighs. However, we all set to work soon enough, and I break off the crowd to be with Vicki, Emily and Chloe. They're already gathering dry twigs and leaves.

"Hey, can I join?" I ask cheerfully.

"Sure! You can help rub some twigs together, to start the fire. Or you can collect some rocks to surround the place where the fire will be. Your choice."

I decide to leave them and collect the rocks, but I soon find there aren't any near us. In the end, I end up having to go deeper into the woods just to find some, and when I eventually do, they're only tiny pebbles.

"Ugh, f*** this stupid thing!" I shout in anger. There's a dark shadow in the distance, so I decide to follow it as it looks like larger rocks.

But when I get closer, it appears to be a man. He's standing still, but suddenly his hand reaches out and a loud buzzing noise comes from his hands. There's a large object he's holding, and from the distance it looks like something sharp. I'm too startled to do anything, I just gawp in silence. Though when he starts walking towards me, taking large, quick steps, I turn on my heel and run the opposite direction in complete terror.

The others are still in the same spot, so I scream at them to run. They get the message and sprint to where the teachers are.

"Girls! What is up with you today Emma? Do I need to send you home?" The Head says. I gasp for breath after running so far, and then tell her what happened.

"I was just collecting some rocks for the campfire, and because I couldn't find any I went deeper into the woods. Then I saw this man, and he was holding something sharp that sounded like it buzzing! So when he started walking towards me I ran and told the others to, too. You need to stop that man - now!" I gabble.

"A - a man?" She whispers. I nod, and for a second her face goes ghostly pale. But she soon regains the colour and gulps slightly.

"Uh... Uh... Don't be silly Emma! Making up all these pathetic lies for attention! I will not put up with it. Now go inside and sit in the library for the rest of the lesson. I'll be with you in a minute."

I sigh and walk away, heading for the library. When I get there I search through the books for one to read, but they all look un-interesting - until I notice one that catches my eye. 'Urban Legends,' it reads on the front. I smile, satisfied, and sit down on one of the cushions. Flicking through the pages, I stop at one of the chapters. Leather Face.

Leather Face is one of the most terrifying legends that has happened through the years. A man with no mercy, he ruthlessly cuts up people with his own chainsaw he keeps with him at all times. Once you see him, there's no going back, and he will hunt you down until you're like the other poor people - dead.

He once killed at a teenagers adventure camp many years ago, Adventure Experience. Although all of the teens were killed, the camp was re-opened only years after the attack, and unfortunately he was not caught.

He wears a leather mask that has holes for his mouth and eyes, and his deformed mouth is usually on full show. The mask colour is a sickly, pale yellow, making it clear and easy to see from a distance.

Nobody knows if he is still alive, however there have been sightings reported to the police of him staring at them whilst they were in the forest. At the first few sightings of him, you don't notice the mask or the chainsaw he has held in his hands. But the more you meet him, the more dangerous he becomes and the more danger you are also putting people around you in.

If you do ever come across this man, it is strongly recommended you leave that area immediately. If not, you will be putting yourself in a stage of, perhaps, being killed or tortured. To any other visitors of the camp, it could be a fatal choice you made of ever going there. And yet you may be lucky - however there is a very small chance of that ever happening.

I stare at the writing in disbelief. Adventure Experience is the camp we're in. I hear footsteps and quickly shut the book, seeing the Head teacher coming in. Worse though, she's noticed the book.

"Why didn't you tell us we were coming to a death scene, miss?" I say.

"Well, he attacked at this camp many years ago, he probably fled this place straight after the attack. And anyway, I never said you could read the books here, I told you to wait for me!"  She shouts. I'm not affected by this though, and stare at her in shock.

"I told you! I told you I saw that man, and you knew who I was talking about, didn't you! You knew it was Leather Face-"

"STOP! How dare you have the nerve to talk to the head teacher like that, and don't you dare say that horrible mans name! He was evil,yes, but he's left now, and you shall never speak of him again. Now forget we ever had this conversation!" And she leaves the room, huffing angrily while I sit in fear and anxiety.


Ok, this chapter was a lot longer than expected, sorry. Also, a lot happened and I think the story is moving too fast - what do you guys think? Please tell me in the comments what you thought, and if you enjoyed it you could always click that 'vote' button! Also, please follow for a follow!

THANX!!!! :D

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