Chapter 7

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OMG  I'm soooo sorry for the long wait! I was busy with home stuff. But don't worry, now I'm back to updating faster and as I got my phone charger early, I'm updating early! Hope you all enjoy...

He holds the chainsaw up to my neck, dangerously close to cutting me, and steps closer. I scream my loudest till my lungs are raw and hurt like crazy - but it does nothing. Nobody comes to save me, nobody helps me. I have to find a way to escape on my own, and by the looks of things, it almost seems impossible.

But it's not, because I suddenly think of a way to get out of this: distraction. Somehow I manage to grab a handful of soap and throw it in his face, making him back up and wipe it away. I take my chance and dodge round him, running towards the door. The chainsaw has stopped so without thinking, I turn around. He lunges the still blade at my face and I stop still in my tracks, paralysed with fear.

The sharp edges cut she top half of my nose, causing it to bleed everywhere. The blood distracts me though and he manages to push me over. Soon I'm lying on the floor, weak and bleeding, with a crazed maniac holding a chainsaw in the same room as me... And no help.

All I can do now is scream - scream for my life. Leather Face, the man who once killed, kills again. I'm his victim. Chainsaw blaring loudly, I realise it's only a few centimetres away from my face, much too close. And that's when it stops, yet instead the Head teacher is crouching beside me, asking me questions.

"What is it?"

"What did you see>"

"What happened?"

"Come on, Emma speak!"

Finally I can whisper a few words, after being shocked motionless.

"M-man. Was h-h-here. Oh god!" I burst out into tears and hug the Head tight, burying my wet face in her jumper, probably soaking it. She holds me in her arms as I cry for ages, not moving yet making a lot of noise.

"Ok, ok. Stop the water-works Emma. Talk. Tell me what you saw?"

"It was Leather. Leather Face. He was here, and he was going to kill me!"

She sighed and shook her head, frowning at me. I looked up at her wit big, wet eyes, trying to persuade her I'm right - but she doesn't fall for tricks. She is as tough as a rock.

"Oh for gods sake! Emma, you're 13, not five! Grow up for once! There is no man, this place is completely safe. Otherwise they wouldn't have re-opened this place. He's long gone, so never say that dreadful name again. Now come on, lets get back to have dinner."

And so we walked up and left, though there was something telling me we weren't alone.


"Lights out now, and no talking please."

Emily, Vicki, Chloe and I all climb into beds - Chloe after removing her makeup, Emily after finishing a book and Vicki after rearranging her pillows. I get straight in, snuggling up under the covers and closing my eyes. We're all silent for a minute, until Chloe decides to break it.

"Did the man come again, Emma?" Chloe smirked.

"Ugh, don't start this again Chloe. Are you looking for an argument?" Vicki retorts, glaring at her. I smile weakly at her after sitting up ready to fight. Looks like she can take care of it.

"What. A. Baby-"

"Oh just shut the actual f*** up, Chloe. Nobody cares about you or what your stupid mouth has to say. We don't give a sh** if you want to fight, 'cause we don't," Emily shouts. We're all definitely taken aback, even Chloe is open-mouthed in shock. But if I'm honest, I'm truly grateful. Chloe seems to be being a real bitch today.

After the awkward silence, we all lay our heads down on our pillows, nobody daring to even breath too loud. I start to feel uncomfortable and want to break the silence, but I'd rather not get killed at by Emily's harsh words. For some strange reason, everyone is feeling on edge.

I can't seem to fall asleep, however everyone else is breathing heavily, shifting positions from time to time. Sighing, I turn over, only to be met with a grotesque mask and bloody object close to my face. Although I try my hardest, I can't manage to let out a scream and before I know it, I'm asleep.

Standing in the doorway to the hall, there's a man. Yellowish mask, deformed mouth and holding a very loud, sharp object... A chainsaw. It's on full speed, revving up and the blade spinning fast, dark red blood stains on the points.

I'm completely frozen to the spot, paralysed with fear and unable to let out a sound. Not even a whisper can escape my dry, parched mouth. The reality is only just hitting me, making me feel like I am having sharp arrows shot at me - so much pain, excruciating pain.

He is silent, yet the buzzing sound fills the air as he takes large strides towards me. Only now do I notice he's hobbling on his feet, making him slower than usual. This is an advantage, but the fear and shock is almost killing me on it's own, taking over my legs... And I can't walk.

There's only a matter of time before he's standing right in front of me, our noses almost touching. Not that I can see his nose, with the mask protecting it. I pray I'll be able to escape this nightmare, but god's not on my side today. The jagged edges of the blade is slicing through my skin, ripping my soft flesh apart, allowing my rich, dark blood to gush out from the open wounds.

No words can possibly explain the agony I'm in, screaming is all I can manage to do. But even that makes my throat raw and hurt terribly. No matter what I do, I'm always in intense pain that can't be stopped.

The blood drains my body, leaving me limp, pale and lifeless.


I hope this satisfied you guys out there! Yes, I know I took like what, nine to twelve days to update or something? And that is terrible for me, so you should know I'm really, really sorry for the long wait! But don't worry, with my new phone I can write and update wherever I am!

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THANX!!!! :D  :P  ;)  XD

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