Chapter 15

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     I was gonna update on Wednesday but wanted you to see who it was so bad.

Who is this mystery person? Are your guesses correct? I hope you're all on the edge of your seat, because in this chapter all is REVEALED!

"It is!" I exclaimed happily.

My mind was going out of control with happiness. It was her. Her!







"It's the Head teacher!" Megan yelled.

Leather Face looked up and glared angrily at her, beginning to rise from Holly's limp body.

"Girls!" The Head shouted, "Run! RUN!"

We snapped back into the real world and realised He was running towards us. I jumped up, grabbing Megan's and Amber's hands and pulling them behind me as I ran like the wind.

An adrenaline rush took complete control of my body, allowing me to run faster than usual. I heard fast footsteps behind me, making me quicken my pace.

I felt hands pulling me back, and whipped my head around to see..


She ran beside me with ease, yet she was how old!? I admired her speed and tried my best to run with her, but somehow I began aching. My legs were killing me and I needed to stop.

I was gaining a stitch. My leg was failing. Everything around me was a blur.

And then everything went black.


Leather Face.

I was strapped into a cold, hard chair with metal chains rattling with every move I made. He stood before me, motionless. Watching.


I struggled for breath, mumbling nonsense with the tape covering every inch of my mouth. He chuckled quietly, before bending over to pick a shadow up from the floor.

Without looking I already knew what it was.

His chainsaw.

My body was shaking violently, hairs at the back of my neck standing up on edge. I felt light headed but knew I MUST keep my eyes open. Although I tried to compose myself, I could hear the sweat making a 'pitter patter' as it hit the floor.

Soon the silence was destroyed as the weapon started up, the buzz echoing throughout the room, filling my eardrums. No matter how loud it was, I heard my heart thumping like crazy in my chest, beating louder as He took steps closer.

"Mmmm mm mmm," I mumbled through the sticky tape, failing to escape the chains.

He was getting closer, revving the chainsaw up with every small step.


The sound was too much. My eyebrows were drowned in sweat, as were my clothes.


He was an inch away, holding the chainsaw at his side.


Our noses were almost touching, the stench of his mask was killing me.


Everything stopped. The world stopped right then. It was small pain at first, just on my shoulder joint. Before it began spreading through my body, the pain getting stronger and stronger.

It was more than anything I'd ever dared experience. It was excruciating pain. No, it was even WORSE than that. I could feel the jagged ends of the blade slicing through my flesh, cutting through my bones and soaking in the blood.

My screams were stifled with the tape, which he soon ripped off. I was shrieking, screaming, yelling out my pain as He stopped for a moment. I heard a rip, a crack and a weight fall from my shoulder joint.

I couldn't take the pain. I screamed and screamed as he revved it up once more to finish me off. Painfully and slowly.


"Emma? Emma Thompson can you hear me!?"

I groaned, rubbing my head as I sat up.

"You were out for hours!" Amber said, worriedly.

Remembering the dream, I shivered.

"Are you cold?" The Head asked me, noticing my shaking body.

"No, just had a.. bad dream."

"Wanna tell me about it?"

I thought for a moment, staring into her deep, brown eyes that were full of concern.



It was the Head teacher! Or as I call her, the Head. She had escaped Leather Face back at the camp and finally found them! Did you guess correctly? Congratulations if you did ;) no worries if you didn't.

Comment what you thought of this action packed chapter! All feedback is greatly appreciated and I reply to everything you have to say :)  Vote if you want MORE!

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