Chapter 18

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A/N The updates are becoming slow, I'm

terribly sorry. Just been too busy to write, but the story is coming to an end. Three chapters at the most I'd say until it's finished? Not sure. But still, I hope you enjoy! This is the only authors note I'm writing here so I need to fit everything in. Remember to vote, comment and share! Also please check out my joint account with Pjbunny @BloodyHorrorTwins - we're writing an awesome horror story there.. And follow me on Twitter & Tumblr, the username is @jadey800. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

We trudged into the forest in silence, listening to the majestic birds' songs that flowed through our eardrums. We were about to leave but Megan had collapsed from the heat and stress. We rushed over to her but she shook her head sadly, signalling for us to go. I planted a gentle kiss on her cheek and thanked her for everything. She was so brave, braver than all of us and I admire her strongly for that. She was such an amazing girl.

I admired my surroundings, taking in the deep shades of green leaves and vegetation, chocolate brown mud that squelched in our shoes and variety of creatures that passed by. The Head was clearly mesmerized also, as when I glanced up her eyes were lost in the scenery.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" I said, breaking the immense silence that was deafening me. Her head snapped towards me, and her eyes lit up.

"I've never seen anything like it," she whispered, gazing up at the sky. I followed her stare and watched the clouds pass, creating shapes out of each one that came and went.

"Wha-what's the plan?" I asked after a moment's silence, my voice a croak. I needed to know but was afraid of the answer.

She stared at me blankly, and I gussed she was annoyed at me for ruining the mood. Still, we couldn't bury our heads in the sand — Leather Face was still out there, searching for us.

"Well..." the Head began, clearing her throat.

"We find Him... Kill him, and then walk back? It'll take days, but we seem to have all the time in the world."

I nodded in agreement, steadying my breathing which had gone out of control while I waited for her reply.

The search was done with no talking, which I was thankful for. If I spoke another word, my voice would crack and the tears would flow as quick as a waterfall. Or quicker.

We walked through the seemingly-endless forest, occasionally tripping on a loose chunk of wood, breathing in the fresh air. A million questions whizzed through my mind, but one stood out from all the rest.

"When I had passed out, Miss..." I began. "What did you do all that time?"

She laughed slightly. "Not much. Just watched over you while I let the other girls rest. I kept watch for your safety."

I smiled genuinely.

"Thank you."

Everything else was done without a sound nor a fuss. We passed thousands of trees, jumped over loads of chunks of wood, brushed our hands against the bark and then at one point, stopped.

"Emma, can you eat bark wood?" She asked.

     "I think you can, but only specific types. Why?"

"This is a Pine Tree, and I'm almost certain you can eat the inside. I'm starving."

The Head turned around and began rifling through the dry, crackly leaves. I cocked my head to one side, confused.

A minute later she came back up, holding a sharp edge of rock. I nodded, finally understanding her plan.

With the rock as a knife, she began scraping away at the bark. The skin peeled off, revealing a cream coloured inside section. I licked my lips — we hadn't eaten for ages, and I was ravenous!

Once most of the inside has been cut out, she offered me a piece and I took it thankfully. My teeth instantly sunk into the sweet bark and I gnawed away at it, forgetting to savour my meal.

"Wow, you ate that quickly," the Head chuckled.


A twig snapped behind us, immediately catching our full attention. I whipped my head around, and as he came into view my eyes widened, my breathing quickened, my hands got sweaty, my pulse went crazy... Everything felt wrong.

"No," I whispered, my voice cracking. A salty tear escaped my eye, soon followed by a rush of others.

"No," I repeated, taking a step back and stumbling on my way. The Head caught me, pulling me away from him.

He smirked wickedly, eyeing us up and down.

Leather Face was back.

He lurched forward, beside his limp, and thrust his gloved hands in my face. I dodged swiftly, dragging the Head along with me. She seemed to be using me as a shielf out of fear, and I could hear her teeth chattering — even though it wasn't cold.

Leather Face chuckled, turning on his heel and walking behind a tree. We waited in suspense, preparing ourselves for the horror ahead.

He emerged from the tree, laughing harder as he staggered closer. We were in danger, pure danger. Because this time he wasn't so weak. Somehow — I had no idea how — he'd managed to get himself another weapon. I'm sure you can already guess.

I glanced at the Head, who had her eyes fixed on mine.

"Ready?" She asked.

I stared ahead, taking a deep breath and positioning my body comfortably.


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