::Matt:: Bad Day

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A/N: Hey guys! So for all of you who read my book before I unpublished this chapter, and the one after it, you will noticed that I have rewritten these chapters! And that is because I didn't know what I was doing with them at first, anyway here they are again, new and improved!
Warning: SOME foul language, but not a lot

Today was the worst day of your life up until this point. There was not one doubt in your mind of how terrible it was.

To start there was work. Now just the fact that you had to work was bad enough to begin with.

With the rude people, screaming children, intolerable co-workers, and the fact that you had almost been fired for something that was not your fault added on...

Well, let's just say work was horrible.

As if work hadn't been bad enough, Edd texted you on your way home. All he asked was that you pick up some snacks and drinks, and you had no problem with this.

You also would have continued to have no problem with this if it hadn't started raining while you were at the store.

Since the weather was nice this morning, you left your (F/C) hoodie at home.

Even your own decisions hated you today!

To top it all off, you just found out you'd have to walk home.

Tom took the car today and refused to come get you. You'd tried everything, begging, even bribing him a couple times, but he wouldn't budge.

So now here you were, shoving your phone into your pocket with a growl.

"Stupid Tom! Stupid rain!" You hissed under your breath.

Stepping out of the store, you were greeted with a sudden rush of cold air and pelting rain. You gathered up the plastic bags on one arm, bringing your free one up to shield your face as you began to run.

"I hate my life. I hate my life" You chanted under your breath.

The bags swung against your leg repeatedly as you headed towards your shared home. Panting from the sprint, you flung the door open and dashed inside.

Your (H/L) hair clung to the sides of your face and your (S/F/C) shirt was dark from the rain.

You had your hands on your knees, and breathed heavily, before lifting your gaze. You saw Edd and Matt sitting together on the sofa, watching some movie.

A dark look crossed your face as you stomped over to the boys.

"I bought the shit you wanted." You snarled at Edd, dropping the bags at his feet.

Storming off to your room without another word, you slammed your bedroom door shut behind you. The (F/C) duvet enveloped you in warmth and softness as you launched yourself onto your bed.

"What a day!" You groaned.

"A terribly, long, horrible day!" Your lamenting continued.

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