~Tord~ Quiet

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A/N: Okay, I'm not going to lie, I wasn't too proud of that last chapter. I may go back and rewrite it, who knows. But for now, enjoy some fluffy Tord!

In the years you've lived with them, you've grown rather close to the guys. You've discovered things in this closeness, surprising things. They've shared their secrets with you, helping you figure out just who they are. All but one. Tord Larsson. The only things you do know about Tord are that he's confusing, an enigma. A quiet enigma. If and when he needed to say something, he'd say it, but unless you really had to speak, he didn't mutter so much as a whisper. In all honesty, his quietness bothered you a little, you liked him, even loved him, you'd admit that much, you just wished he'd open up, and talk to you.

When you finally ventured out of your room that morning, you noticed the house was practically silent, which surely was not a good sign. Once you got to the kitchen you first noticed the note on the table. You picked it up to read it and knew it was Edd who left it, the neat handwriting and green ink gave him away.

'(Y/N) and Tord. Tom, Matt, and I have all gone out for the day. Don't have some crazy EDD-venture (haha) without us, we'll be back soon.

--- (Edds name has been crossed out) Mom.'

You laughed at the end, and what was clearly Matt, sloppy handwriting and all, trying to mock Edd's mom friend position of your little group.

"Ah (Y/N), where are the others?" Tord's voice behind you jolted you out of your thoughts, and snapped you back to reality.

"Tord!" You exclaimed, pressing a hand over your rapidly beating heart. "You scared me!"

He nodded, to signify he heard you. But his silence demanded an answer to his previous question. "As for Edd and all them, they went out for the day." You claimed, holding up the note.

He nodded again, and sat down on the sofa. Grabbing yourself a can of (F/D) you followed him to the living room and sat with him. "(Y/N)?" He asked suddenly, ,you giving a hum in response. "Can I tell you something?" Your eyes brightened, this was it. Tord Larsson, the infamously quiet Tord Larsson was about to open up to you. And you didn't want to miss a word.

"Sure man, you can tell me anything" You assured him.

He turned to the side to face you, and you did the same for him. (E/C) met silver, and you gave him a warm smile. Tord took a deep breath, letting it out as a sigh.

And then he spoke. About everything and nothing all at once. The subject ranged from why he hated Tom, to the names of his favorite constellations, to clouds and mythical creatures, and what the two of you believed happened when you die. It was bliss, pure bliss, you felt yourself falling for him harder than before as you watched the way his eyes lit up when he spoke about something he was truly passionate about. You wanted to talk to him forever.

"And one last thing" He said "There's this person I like, more than a friend..." He trailed off for a moment, just long enough for you to feel your heartbreak.

"What about you (Y/N)? Is there anyone you like that way?" The way he asked was so pure and innocent, as if he could never even imagine the pain you were feeling.

"Yes there is actually" You admitted, pushing down the lump in your throat, "And he's so wonderful, he's a little quiet, no poetry, no tragedy, he's not that type. He loves the stars, and his eyes shine like one too." You stopped speaking there, tilting your head up towards the ceiling something you always did. Look up so the tears never fall.

He chuckled, smiling a soft smile. "Ya, they're just so amazing. They always listen anyone who's willing to speak. E-even me. And sometimes they're a little messy, and a little poetic, and a little bothersome, but that's okay. And just-" He ended up cutting himself off by pressing his lips to yours in a sudden kiss.

Your eyes went wide, you were surprised to say the least. Shocked or not however, you wasted no time in kissing back. You yelped in surprise when he nipped at your bottom lip, and grabbed the back of his hair as you pulled him closer into the deep kiss. His tongue twirled with yours as you fought for dominance, until you pulled away from the heated kiss. A strand of saliva connected your lips to his as you softly pressing your foreheads together. His steel grey eyes bore into you, and like usual, you were the one who spoke first.

"I love you too Tord."

A/N: Man I really need to think of better ways to end these things. Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to request! -Daybreak

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