Tori ^Pretty Kitty^

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A/N: Hey guys! You all hate me for not updating yet?? I promise though, all of your requests, no matter if I got them a month ago or yesterday, are coming!! I know I say this every time but really this is gonna take awhile, I currently have 24 requests and it takes a good few days just to write one, so please please be patient with me! And you guys have been very good with waiting, I've yet to be rushed or anything like that, but I feel very bad making you all wait!

Tori x Neko!Reader requested by: winterwolf2215 and is dedicated to AubreeHargreaves who didn't request it herself but damn if she didn't want this.

Honestly you had no idea how your girlfriend could stand you. You, in your opinion, were rather needy, clingy, and constantly demanded attention. Tori was a busy person, always working on some sort of project or in the midst of some important phone call. So how she made the time to be your loving and cuddly girlfriend was unknown to you.

Yet here you both were, curled up on the couch, no projects, no experiments, no phone calls, just you and her.

And your more than annoyed roommates.

Tori ran her fingers through your hair, stopping every now and again to pet the soft (H/C) cat ears atop your head. You purred and chirped, unable to contain the feline sounds you made. You twirled your tail around the arm she had wrapped around your waist as you both cuddled in the middle of the sofa.

Tamara had been glaring down this affectionate scene since it had begun.

Ell was resting her cheek in the palm of her hand, staring at the television screen with disinterest, sparing Tori a disgruntled glare whenever you made a sound louder than the show as she sat awkwardly at one end of the couch.

Matilda, who sat on the other end of the couch, as far away from you as she could press herself, was doing her best not to show her discomfort. The fact that she wasn't half as bubbly as normal and her constant frown, however, gave her away.

You took no notice though, too wrapped up in the feeling of her slim fingers dancing through the (H/L) strands of your hair.

"Pretty kitty..." She mumbled into your ear, her accent laced words causing you to purr and giggle.

When she started rubbing one of your ears again you couldn't help but press your head up against her hand. Unknown to you the awkward atmosphere in the room was only growing, and Tamara's anger and annoyance was reaching its boiling point.

Tail swaying calmly against the carpet, you let out a particularly loud mewl and that set three of the girls off.

"Look you guys are cute and all, but if you can't keep it down, keep it to your room!" Matilda, surprisingly was the first to snap.

Tori growled, glowering at the ginger she called a friend. Frightened by the fearsome expression, Matilda backed down, whimpering and quickly looking away.

"Tori!" Ell hissed, "Be nice, Matilda is right you know!" The brunette defended, standing and joining Matilda at her side of the couch.

Your head perked up and you looked around frantically, ears flattening against your head at the rising tension.

"Go back to watching your stupid show, Ell!" Your girlfriend snarled, "all your shouting is upsetting poor (Y/N)!" Tori growled, wrapping her arms around you in a protective hold.

Suddenly the unusually quiet Tamara rose from her seat in the armchair, glaring daggers at Tori. Carefully the Norwegian set you aside on the cushion Ell just sat in, standing to meet Tamara's unspoken challenge.

"If you're so very worried about how upset (Y/N) is why don't you take them to your room? Y'know, where you aren't bothering anybody?" Tamara spat.

You knew she wasn't mad at you in particular, nobody really was.

"Why don't you mind your own business!" your girlfriend snarled.

The fight escalated from there. Ell whisked Matilda away and out of the house after the first few yells, and you weren't too sure if they left you there on purpose or not. You stayed curled against the arm of the couch, unmoving. Your (E/C) eyes were wide with fear, you pressed your ears flat against your head to muffle the yelling and kept your fluffy tail wrapped tight around yourself as a sort of safety blanket.

Suddenly, Tamara stopped her yelling, even though Tori kept going. The no-eyed girl pulled you up to stand and wrapped you in a warm hug. Her embrace made you feel safe and calm and you slowly felt yourself relax.

"You okay (N/N)? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." She apologized, softly petting your hair.

She wasn't Tori, and her hugs and pets were by no means the same, but you surely didn't mind. You lavished in the feeling of her rubbing your ears and stroking your hair.

"There, there just calm down" Tamara soothed.

You relaxed further, leaning into the hug. Tori's pacing and ranting soon faded away, though not because you had tuned her out. No, it was because she was so full of jealous rage at the scene in front of her that she was unable to speak.

Due to the fact that your eyes were closed, you were ignorant to Tori's death glare, you were also unaware of Tamara's spiteful grin.

"Get your hands off my (Y/N)!" Tori howled, ripping you away from your eyeless friend.

"T-Tori?!" You stammered as the caramel-haired girl pulled you into a protective hug.

No words were exchanged as Tori pulled you by the wrist up to her room. After she shut and locked the door, you opened your mouth to question her, but you were pinned down to the bed before you could.

Your face flushed, and assumptions of what was to come raced in your mind. You were surprised though, when Tori flopped herself on top of you and hugged you.

Given the Norwegian girl's typically dominant and perverted nature you were shocked when it seemed she would rather cuddle. Your blush only darkened when she nuzzled her cheek against your chest.

"T-Tori? You okay love?" You asked her, carefully reaching a hand up to play with her silky hair.

She hummed in responce, pressing her face closer to your body.

"I don't like it when she puts her hands on you..." She pouted childishly, "I don't like it when anyone touches my pretty kitty." She grumbled, hugging you tight.

You purred in responce, your instinctual method of calming someone. Tori hummed blissfully, a faint smile gracing her features.

"I love you, Tori" You purred out, your tail flicking in a pleased manner.

"I love you too," Your girlfriend crooned.

"My pretty little kitty, (Y/N)."

A/N: Hey that one was pretty long! Was it good enough Bree? Did you like it? Well everyone if you don't hear from me again soon it can be assumed Bree has murdered me for doing her fictional wife a diserivce! Anyway hope you all enjoyed! -Daybreak

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