Tord [Care For You]

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A/N: A request for heyitsme20000, sorry it took so long to get to this one, but I hope you enjoy it regardless! Let's say Reader is, maybe a first grader in this.

The walk home from school was a long one, the walk seemed all the longer when you were limping and had a black eye. It was the middle of the day, you shouldn’t even be going home yet, nevertheless walking, you never walked to or from school, you were too young and it was too far, but you couldn’t stay there any longer. You weren’t going to limp back into class with a bruised and swelling black eye and blood dripping from the cut on your cheek, all you wanted was to go home, hug your dads and take a nap.

As you limped on, you began to think about what they said to you. What they called you.



"What kind of kid has four dads?"

"A weird one."


Words were one thing, you could shrug them off with ease, you knew they didn't matter. However it was a different thing all together when they pushed you down onto the ground and kicked you.

The world before you blurred as the tears kept pouring from your eyes, making to hard to see exactly where you were going. Once you saw the neighbor's house however, you knew you were almost home.

You still felt the stings of welting bruises and scrapes that littered your body, although the throbbing in your head hurt the most. Your eye pulsed as the blood on your cheek began to dry and cling to your skin.

Finally, tired and in pain, you flipped up the (F/C) hood of your jacket as you creaked open the front door of your house. You expected to see all four boys run out to the door and hug and coddle you, and were equally disappointed when that didn’t happen. Instead your Norwegian father came up to you, a confused look plastered on his face.

“(Y/N)? What are you doing home? School’s not out yet… Don’t tell me you walked all the way here yourself? That was stupid of you! What if something happened?!” His voice became stern.

“Oh god, what am I going to tell Edd? ‘They just showed up in the middle of the day!’ ugh” He muttered to himself, turning to look at you again.

Your hood and hair casted shadows on your face, and since you hadn’t moved Tord couldn’t see that you were limping. Your hoodie felt heavier than normal, the thick fabric pressing heavy against forming bruises.

“(Y/N) I expect a response." He told you.

You said nothing, hanging your head further as tears continued to roll down your cheeks without a sound, there was nothing you could say. Sure you felt horrible that you left school, but you couldn’t be there any longer, the bullies would only beat you up again during your second free hour.

“(Y/N)?” His voice took on a worried tone.

He kneeled down to your level, but because of how intently you were staring down at your worn out shoes, he still couldn’t see your face. Slowly, and with the utmost care, he pushed your hood back, revealing your messy (H/C) locks. Your (H/L) bangs still cast your face in shadows.

Tord tilted your chin up, his eyes becoming wide with horror as he saw your features in the light. Your eye was blackened and swelling fast, a bleeding cut adorned your small cheek, tears mingled with the blood as both liquids rolled off your chin, scrapes covered your face and blood dripped out from your nose as well, your lip swelled, the cut in the middle of it stinging more than one might think it did.

"I'm sorry" You whispered, sniffing away tears.

“(Y/N)… Darling, who did this to you?”

You simply shook your head, eyes squeezed shut as tears began to fall faster.

“Do you know why they did this to you?” He asked, pulling you in for a warm hug.

“B-because I’m a weirdo with-with four dads” You sniffed, wiping your tears with your small, cut up, hands.

You heard him growl softly under his breath, before he scooped you up in his arms and carried you into the kitchen. The counter he set you upon was a little cold, but you didn’t mind as you watched Tord move around the kitchen with wide eyes.

Tord quickly cleaned you up, wiping away the blood with a damp towel and kissing your forehead.

“You want some ice cream darling?” Tord asked you.

Nodding slowly, you sniffed again, wiping away the new tears that had sprung up. Tord smiled warmly at you, his silver eyes glowing in the warm light of the house and you felt yourself calming down now. A bowl of ice cream in one hand and a (F/F) smoothie in the other Tord led you to his bedroom.

“Let’s hang out in here awhile, okay?”

“Okay” You smiled halfheartedly.

Tord smiled and you both sat on his bed, you with a bowl of ice cream in your lap, sipping on the smoothie he made for you. Tord was holding his phone in front of you as various cartoons played, you watched intently, already feeling tons better.

Every now and again Tord would hand you a piece of candy from his stash of sweets as you laid back against his chest. You felt safe here, your dad took such good care of you and it assured you that no one could hurt you when he was around.

“You feeling better darling?” Tord rested his head atop yours as he awaited your response.

“Much better! Thanks dad, you’re the best!” You chimed, eyes still focused on the colorful images on the phone screen.

Tord grinned happily, he hated seeing you so sad, but on the inside he was outraged, who dared hurt his child? He had some harsh words and then some in mind for whoever beat you up.

“Good, I’m glad! Just remember I’ll  always care for you."

A/N: Sorry it was kinda short, but hey it was cute and that's always nice! Anyways enjoy your day, and don't forget to request! -Daybreak

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