Chapter 2 - A Call from Ziam

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Chelsey's P.O.V

I run my fingers through my dark brown, wavy hair, the rain's drenched it. I start walking down the street, away from Liam's house, away from Georgia. Away from the "fans." A true fan would understand that the boys just want some privacy. My jeans darken from the falling rain and I pull up my purple zip-up sweaster's hoody, letting it cover my head. I wait for the next bus. I'll have to apologize to Georgia later, I had to admit to myself that I was truly being rude to her...she didn't deserve to be treated that way. I check my iPhone, I've gotten a new text message from Georgia...of course. It reads:

Heey hun :) 'Cos Zayn and me are meant to be together, I put my number into Liam's mailbox anyways, be happy 4 for me plz? ;) loooove you sweet x

Suddenly, her text message seems sugar-coated and fake. But I know I should make things better and just start fresh, so I reply saying:

Good for you :) Maybe he'll even call you!

I shove my phone into my back pocket of my jeans, what would I even do if one of the boys called me? I smile to myself, what a silly thought.

Liam's P.O.V

It's getting darker outside, I notice as the screaming girls slowly quiet down. The rain's getting worse, I can hear it pounding on the roof. Harry stretches his back and says, "Well! Getting pretty late..." Niall laughs out loud and says, "Harry! You sound like an old man!" Louis starts singing Forever Young and Harry joins in, his voice straining to be louder than Lou's. Zayn smiles and picks at something on the couch, humming along. "You boys can sleep over if you want," I say. Harry smiles at me, "Thanks, but me and Louis were gonna go back to my house and watch some movies." Niall looks at me and looks disappointed, "I would, but I've better get back, I have to help Mum with some things...and Greg's taking me out early tomorrow morning." I nod, "That's okay." Zayn flutters his eyelashes at me and wiggles his eyebrows sarcastically and over dramatically, "I'll stay, sweet thaang." I grin back and laugh, "great!"

Harry stands up abruptly and sighs, "Better get going." Niall and Louis join him, and they all look out e window cautiously. "ALL CLEEAR!" Louis shouts and heads for the door, leading the others. After a series of goodbyes, they leave and its just me and Zayn. He gets up and watches the boys leave through the front door, making sure there's no surprise fan lurking in between the bushes, ready to shout, "VAS HAPPENIN'?!" Before he heads back inside, he grabs the mail from my mailbox and places it gently on the oak coffee table. A card that says, "I SHIP LARRY STYLINSON" falls to the ground and me and Zayn exchange amused looks.

Zayn's P.O.V

Liam looks comfortable lounging on the tan couch, and we could just chill out here, but I think I need some air. "Wanna go for a walk, dude?" I ask. Liam looks a bit shocked but then loosens up. "Sure, I've got some boots for you so you don't wreck your shoes." I laugh, "Thank you, Daddy Direction. Always looking out for me!"

We head down the driveway, turns out Liam's "rain boots" that he wanted to give me was actually his older sister Nicole's old ones. So there we were, Liam Payne in his sleek, black boots and me, Zayn Malik in a pair of waterproof pink and green polka dot boots. We knew the darkness wouldn't conceal us enough from the public, but being back home was such a relief that we really didn't care. Suddenly, something captures my attention...a shredded piece of damp paper is stuck to the bottom of a chain link fence. I reach for it and notice its someones phone number. Who would...oh. Probably one of the fans, I think. I wonder what would happen if called it. Liam notices it and looks at it over my shoulder, "Hm. Wonder what would happen if we called it." I turn to him, "I was thinking the exact same thing." Liam shrugs and replies, "probably not even a fan. Just a number." A car drives by, its wheels kicking up puddles of water. The car lights shine directly on us, and we cringe away, covering our faces. I put the phone number into my pocket anyways, making sure it's securely in there before continuing on our walk. 

Chelsey's P.O.V

The train is bumpy and I watch the raindrops slide down the mucky windows as we glide away down the street. It's quiet and I bet all of the fans have left Liam's house finally. I lean my head back against the seat, suddenly exhausted from such an overwhelming day. It must be torture to have to act so energetic all the time if you were the boys...I wonder what it feels like to be thrown into the celebrity world so quickly. After the X Factor, they've just continued to get so popular, it's a little sad to see them work so hard and hardly ever get time off...if I ever got to meet them, I'd make sure they knew how much I appreciate everything they do. I flick through my iPhone, useless apps covering my screen.

Liam's P.O.V

The moon starts to appear as we make our way back home, we enter and flop down on the living room couch. "Let's do a twit cam..." I suggest, but it sounds like a order. "I mean, if you want to...for the fans." Zayn's eyes light up, "Let's do it!" We sign onto twitter and tweet, "Hey guys! Gonna do a twitcam!" Our mentions go crazy as the web cam flickers on. "Hiii!!! We're Zayn and Liam! Or Liam and Zayn, whatever floats your boat," I chuckle. Zayn suddenly cuts in, "We're going to call up a lucky fan! Well, we think it's a fan..." I look at Zayn, bewildered, was he going to actually call that random number? "Ugh..." I stutter and frantically look at Zayn for confirmation. He winks at me and unfolds the piece of paper. He grabs his blackberry and punches in the number carefully, he looks into the camera, and I can see our mentions going crazy. One reads: Wish I was that lucky girl! She better pick up! 

Zayn's P.O.V

I dial the number and hold it to my ear, Liam watching me carefully. My heart is pounding in my ears, am I crazy for doing this? Will I make all of the other fans jealous? What if it isn't even a fan? It rings once. Twice. I bite my lip, almost one hundred percent sure that no one will pick up. After the third rings, I hear a small voice say, "Hello?" 

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