Chapter 9 - Kiss and Tell

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Chelsey's P.O.V

We're in an SUV, whizzing by. There's towers and buildings all around us, shielding us. It's so busy, people are crawling past us, running by with laptop cases, strolling alongside with children in their arms, balloons trailing behind them. Faces are blurred, unrecognizeable, but I know that everyone here has a story. We checked into our hotel last night, now, we've just finished with an interview on a local radio station. Z100, I think that's the name. I didn't want to barge in with the boys, so I decided they should do the live interview together, then I'd meet up with them later. But, Louis told me he wouldn't want me to get mobbed without protection. It seems a bit scary but unrealistic too. Georgia? Well, she's another story, she's practically begging for the papparazzi to fall over her. Now, we're on to the first venue. 

Zayn's P.O.V

Sitting beside Georgia is awkward, I feel like she's smothering me. I always try to kiss her back though, so that Chelsey can see and possibly notice that she wants me. Urgh, that sounds so sefish. The scary part is, should I care? Or worse, do I care? We've stopped suddenly, behind a large concrete building. We're in the back lot, obviously, but the security is still tight as we enter the building. We wait inside, in a small hangout room until they call us down for soundcheck. After that, we're hussled directly into the backstage part of the concert arena. We can hear the fans screaming, shouting our names as we get ready. Liam's jumping up and down, doing some jumping jacks as I put my feet up next to Georgia. She's stroking my hair and Lou keeps coming by to fix it again, looking at Georgia messing up her hard work. Chelsey's talking excitedly to Liam, bouncing on her toes. Then, we get called in. We run down the hallway, turning a sharp corner, then continuing, the screams getting louder as the lights dim in the arena. Then, Chelsey is there, beside Liam, looking up at him. "Good luck," she says and quickly kisses him on the cheek. He blushes and kisses her back on the cheek. She laughs and kisses him on the other cheek again. I wilt. One of the bodyguards pushes Liam aside and motions Chelsey to head back down the hallway. They obey and seperate while Georgia slobbers all over me and says, "Don't worry. You're sexy. You're hot. You're the best. You'll be perfection." I look at her and mumble, "Thanks." She nodds and a bodyguard starts to escort her away. "Let's do this poo," says Harry.

Liam's P.O.V

Boom. Boom. "We're like na, na, na!" I smile at the crowd, flashing lights and ear-piercing screams. "Then, we're like yeah, yeah, yeah!" I see a sign jostling around in the front row and I point and smile at it, the girls start screaming and jumping in circles. Harry's smiling into some girl's eyes and singing. Zayn is peering up near the top of the audience. Louis is smiling and tilting his head. Niall is running back and forth across the stage. It's all crazy, and I wouldn't change it for anything in the world.

Chelsey's P.O.V

We're sitting in a little lounge, just Georgia and I. We're just sitting. No talking. Just sitting. It's so awkward and unfamiliar. "You used to be my best friend...." I say quietly. Her head snaps up from the other side of the room, in a chair in a corner. She's so close to me though, physically, but really, it's like we're a million miles apart. Her blond hair is striaghtened and flowing down her back and on either side of her shoulders. Her tank top is a weird pattern, different coloured blocks it looks like. Her skinny jeans are navy and tight. Her heels are about 6 inches, with laces that go up her leg. I look down at what I'm wearing. She was meant for this life. My tangled brown hair, ripped grey jeans and american eagle shirt hardly compare to what she's wearing. Or Eleanor.  wish she was here right now...Georgia says, "What happened?" I don't know how to respond to that. "You just started to act so differently. Ever since Zayn and Liam called me on twitcam, it's like you've totally forgotten about me, all you care about is Zayn...and yourself." Her mouth is tight until she says, "I don't see whats so wrong about it." I put my head down, "I wanted to meet up with them, get to know them, privately. But you just barged into that coffee shop. I would have invited you, you're my...were friend, but you just started acting like a different person." She flicks her hair back. She then says, "I think I know what your problem is, Chelsey." I sigh, "I just want to fix this. I hate not being able to talk with you like we did before. We're freaking friends with One Direction, we're dating members! This was always something we'd dream of." She stand sup, her heels clicking around the room as she paces. I hear the heavy thud of music from the arena only a few yards away. Loud screams are hushed, silenced by the thick walls. She points a perfectly manicured finger at me, "You, Chelsey, are jealous! That's your problem," she says, her nose in the air. I splutter out, "What? Jealous? Jealous of you? Well, I definitely envy you, you get everything served to you on a silver platter, and you're drop dead gorgeous!" She shakes her head, "No. You're jealous of Zeorgia. I can tell. You're always looking at us, you haven't even kissed Liam for god's sakes! You want to try and steal Zayn, don't you? You finally realized he's the only one out of this band worth dating."  I am so angry that I could nearly kick a wall down. "You're talking nonsense! I love Liam! That's none of your buisness about me and him, anyways. And I stay bloody well away from you and Zayn, you guys can hardly stop for air you're making out so much! Don't you think that's awkward for me? I'm not jealous ! I respect you're relationship with him!" I take a breath. "And don't you dare say that none of  the other boys are worth dating. They're all perfect, wonderful! Any girl would be lucky to date any one of them!" She doesn't realize how mad she's made me, she just sits back, looking satisfied. "I thought you were a better fan, a better directioner, than that. Zayn doesn't deserve to date someone who doesn't even respect his other band mates." She purses her lips, "It's obvious you're jealous, Chelsey. Don't worry, the sooner you admit it to yourself, the better."

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