Chapter 7 - Lhelsey and Zeorgia

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Chelsea's P.O.V

After changing into some new jeans from Eleanor (which she let me keep nevertheless my fangirling heart) and saying an awkward goodbye to Zayn whilst Georgia slobbered all over him, I said to Liam that I had an awesome time bowling. He was still pretty embarassed over the spilt coke haha. I was walking out of the washroom alone, Eleanor had just gone to see Louis, when Georgia ran up to me. I could see off in the distance, Zayn with Niall, making awkward conversation, and just beyond them was Harry and Liam bowling. Zayn and Niall seemed to be argueing, well, have an intense conversation. Zayn had his arms crossed, shaking his head and Niall was flinging his arms around wildly. I couldn't hear what they were saying.

Zayn's P.O.V

Niall is flinging his arms in the air as I try to explain to him that I want to stick to the orginial plan. "No..." he replies urgently. "Listen, Zayn. It's not right. What if someone finds out? And I mean anyone. If Georgia finds out she'd absolutely flip, Chesley would be so confused and upset, and oh my gosh, what would Liam do? He'd probably brush it off, y'know him, but inside he'd be really hurt." I try not to flinch at his words, because I know they're true, but I can't help but stay determined. I sigh, "Just support me? Please? It's my decision." Niall looks at the ground, then back at me. He doesn't say anything. I run my fingers through my hair and say, "Look...Harry knows how to get the girls, I think he knows what he's doing." Niall looks at me, unsure, then says, "You can't get every girl you want." I'm so surprised I can't reply. But Niall doesn't look angry with me, he just looks disappointed. I try not to feel guilty about doing this, and now that he's said something so harsh I can't help but be a little stubborn. "Where'd that come from?" I question. I try not to face the truth. He looks at me, "Don't you see? Chelsey and Liam are making each other happy, why do you have to ruin it?" Then he walks away. It's not that he storms away, full of rage, actually I'd rather him have done that than what he actually did. Because instead of stomping away, he slouched, and he wasn't angry, just sad. And seeing Niall sad and disappointed because of me is worse than having him scream in my face.

Liam's P.O.V

"WOOHOOO!" screamed Harry as his bowling bowl slowly tilted to the correct angle as it made its way down the alley, allowing him to score. I cracked my knuckles, like I was preparing for a cage fight, looked him striaght in the eyes and said, "It's on like donkey kong." He was still laughing as I threw the heavy ball. Eleanor and Louis made their way over, Louis' arm around her waist. 

Chelsey's P.O.V

Georgia was smiling so wide, I could see her gums. She kept smoothing her hair down as she chatted away to me, "Oh em gee. He is so HOT. And he's like, all over, he can't get enough of me you know? Like, its crazy. We are actually meant to be." I still can't believe what she did to me back in the coffee shop, she just invited herself! I don't say anything to her, I just nod. "And you know what? I think that Ziam girl was actually me." I stare at her confused, "What do you mean?" She sighs heavily, "Well, I know it was your phone number and all, and they called you up, but I think all those trends were for me. I have a feeling all the directioners adore me, like omg, they all probably ship Zeorgia." I want to laugh but I hold it in, I also want to scream, because most of the tweets about her said she was annoying. She continues, "I got a twitter account, this morning, actually. It's @GeorgiaEvans, you don't have one right?" I shake my head, my life consisted of reblogging One Direction pictures on tumblr. "Well, you should make one! And follow me! I probably have at least 2K by now anyways." Then, she walks away, over to Zayn. I feel so annoying that I don't have the strength to say anything to her, but I make a mental note to check out @GeorgiaEvans .

Zayn's P.O.V

When Georgia struts toward me, I can hardly breathe I'm so upset, I know what I'm doing is wrong, totally wrong, but I can't give up now.I think it might be working. I look over at Chelsey, she looks annoyed, maybe that's a sign of jealousy? I can hear Harry's silent applause. Georgia gets close to me, I can smell her strong perfume and it gives me a headache. 

Liam's P.O.V

I am so utterly in love with Chelsey, I just want to show her the world. So, in a spur of the moment time thing, I've decided on something big. We're all in Louis' car, well, Niall went home alone. I don't really know what's wrong with him. So it's just me, Zayn, Georgia and Chelsey. It's a bit awkward with Louis driving, I in the passengers seat and Zayn between both Georgia and Chelsey. Gerogia can hardly keep her hands off of Zayn and Zayn can't stop looking at Chelsey. He didn't like Chelsey too, right? No. He wouldn't do that to me. Louis turns up the radio, its The Fray, and starts nodding his head to it. The street lgihts are on, it's pretty dark outside, yet I can see Chelsey's eyes glowing, and her white teeth gleeming. Suddenly, I look at her directly and decide to tell her what I've been thinking, "Would you like to come on tour with us?" Louis screeches to a stop, and the car behind him honks loudly, he tightens his grip on the steering wheel and then continues, trying to look casual. His lips are in a striaght line. Chelsey's eyes are round, and she's fighting back a smile. I smile at her. Zayn and Georgia break from kissing and Georgia splutters out, "I want to come toooo!!!!" Zayn's eyes shift toward me, his mouth is set in a striaght line. Chelsey finally says, "Oh my goodness! That would be amazing! Are you sure? I wouldn't want to interfere with you guys when you're working." Louis speeds up a bit and says, "Liam, are you sure? Even El doesn't come on tour, she knows how crazy it can get." I bite my lip, but I'm determined. "I'm very sure. And we'll have Paul. It'll be laods of fun." Zayn steps in, "Erm...I agree with Louis, I don't think it's a very good idea. It's a bit harsh to be exposed to that sort of thing so quickly, not even the busy schedule, but the press and the papparazzi..." he trails off. Georgia looks excited, she's jittering around in her seat. "I wanna come tooo! Awwh, come on, Zayn! It'll be so much fun!"

Chelsey's P.O.V

The only reason Georgia wants to come is so she can be thrown into the spotlight with Zayn by her side. But, really, I could care less about her, so I just keep nodding at Liam while Zayn and Louis explain how things could go wrong. It's like nobody else is here, all I can see is him. "It'd be an honour, I'd love it," I say. Louis sighs and takes a sharp turn, "Whatever you say, Chelsey. But maybe you should talk to Eleanor first, she might be able to convince you otherwise." Georgia pipes in, "What about me?!" Louis turns to face her quickly, "Well, I guess if Chelsey comes, you can come too." Zayn nudges the back of Louis seat with his foot. I'm the only one who notices.Georgia squeals, Liam squints over her high pitched noises. Zayn looks defeated, but I don't understand why. He wanted to date her. He was still interested in her, right? I'm so entirely excited, I'll have to pack soon! We'll be leaving the UK for a ton of other countries! And I really don't care how bad the press is, I've got Liam. How could I say no to that? Yes. Yes. Yes.

Zayn's P.O.V

No. No. No. How could this happen? I don't want to go on tour around the world with Georgia! Everyone would know about us...well most directioners ahve already guessed. and they don't seem too fond of Zeorgia. And of course, everyone ships Lhelsea. But, I can't back out now, unless I can convince Lou. But I couldn't do that either, he knows nothing about the plan that Harry and Niall and I talked about...and letting him know would only make things worse. What have I done? I needed to sort things out, and I couldn't talk to Niall. He was the best at advice...wait...didn't I think Harry was? Well, Harry's only helped me mess everything up. But I don't blame him, it's really all my fault. And now, even Harry won't know what to do and Niall won't even talk to me.

Liam's P.O.V

I feel so pumped and excited and belated with happiness I could explode. Chelsey and I are exchanging happy glances as Georgia gushes to Zayn about how amazing it will be and he looks at her, his eyebrows knitted together, pulling at his hair. "We'll be flying to all different countries, it'll be spectacular," I say to Chelsey. She replies, "I've never been out of the United Kingdom before!" I'm beaming at her, and everything seems perfect even though I've only just met her. We leave in four days. Four days until our world tour. Who would have thought that Ziam girl would turn into this? That from a tiny slip of paper with a phone number on it, you could find someone you want to travel the world with?

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