Chapter 6 - Strike

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Chelsey's P.O.V

I wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and then it hits me. I totally just went out for coffee with Liam and Zayn. They were both so sweet, I felt kind of guilty about being so mad at Georgia, but I guess I was allowed to feel that way, right? I knew for sure Zayn was judging her, she was so clingy. I think about Liam's smile and instantly smile. Even after chatting with him, he still manages to make me fangirl. That's got to count for something. He told me he'd text me about getting together again. I quickly pick up my phone and see that he actually did text me, a very long message about how much fun he had and how we should go out again. I nearly burst into tears.

Liam's P.O.V

Zayn calls me early in the morning and quickly says, "Hey, bud. You know, Georgia? I think I really like her. Maybe we should all get together again, y'know, you with Chelsey, and I with Georiga? How does that sound?" He sounds rushed and strained as I struggle to reply. "Uhh...are you joking? I didn't think you'd be her...urm...type..." I press back. He didn't seem comfortable with her at all, and Zayn liked a girl who was more chilled out than her. He replied smoothly, "I've never really had a type before." I nearly laugh because it seems so outrageous, but I was dying to see Chelsey again, so I guess Zayn's personal relationships didn't have to mean so much to me. "Alright, Zayn. I just texted Chelsey actually. Hey, why don't we all go bowling or something? You know, Lou, Harry and Niall can come as well? Louis can bring Eleanor along too! Make it less awkward." He didn't reply for a while, a long pause echoed through the line. "Sure," he mumbled and then said, "I'll go text them, call me back when Chelsey replies? And also, ask her about Geogria coming too?" I'm still slightly stunned but I agree and hang up.

Zayn's P.O.V

I feel a little shaky as Liam ends the call and I text everyone. Was my plan going to work? I know Niall didn't like the idea, and he usually was always right, but Harry was also so great with girls, so his advice had to mean something, right? I felt so guilty, I was actually trying to get with Liam's crush, and I think the feeling was mutual between the two of them. Was that wrong, even if I knew Chelsey was the one? And Georgia, how would she feel? I try not to think about how everything would turn out as scroll through my phone, seeing all the boys had agreed, and Louis was bringing Eleanor. Liam calls back and reports that Chelsey was very excited to come toight, yet a bit worried about how Georgia would act. "She told me to warn you that she may be a little possesive," Liam says. I bite my lip, praying that my plan was starting to work, "Alright, thanks, Liam. And the rest of the boys and El are joining us as well. What do you say, eight o'clock? We'll order some pizza there or sumin'." Liam agrees and hangs up, sounding a bit distracted. 

Chelsey's P.O.V

I feel a bit worried about Zayn and Georgia going out, I really didn't think Zayn would go for someone like her, he didn't seem interested at all but I guess I shouldn't get involved. I pull into the bowling alley, Louis apparently rented out our own private room there, he had said he just wanted to be extravagant, but Liam says it's because he didn't want me, Georgia or Eleanor to be trampled by fans. So sweet. I'm wearing navy skinny jeans and a tan blouse with black buttons down the front and black flats. Georgia's late, of course, but she texted me saying that she was wearing something very provactive. I was still angry with her. It's a little crisp outside, and I remember that only in a few weeks, the boys' tour will start up again and they'll leave the UK. I walk in and Louis runs up to greet me, "Hey babe! How are you?" I'm so stunned that he's actualy in front of me I nearly burst into tears and he's! It was like I was in a parrallel universe, or watching someone else meet the boys as Harry and Niall come say hi as well. Eleanor waits behind them, and after they disperse she comes over and shakes my hand. "Hey, I'm Eleanor." I'm so excited I blurt out, "Oh, I know." Crap. That sounded like I was a stalker or something. I expect her to give me a funny look but she doesn't, she throws her head back and laughs, it's high and sweet then says, "that's good," and leads me over to the private room. I laugh nervously and silently pray that she's no the type to judge on first impressions. 

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