Chapter 5

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A fat, twirling drop of rain fell through the sky, reflecting light like a rainbow prism from the sun. It landed on a bright green, dewy piece of grass, running down it like a kid on a slide.
Ty watched it with a sort of fascination, as it splashed a ladybug, showering it with freshly fallen water.  

Ty was sitting on the rolling lawn behind one of the old manor houses in Idris. He didn't know which.

He hadn't been able to sleep last night, plagued by dreams and nightmares, so he had gone for walk, finally plopping himself down in a nice patch of grass once the sun had risen. 

Ty absentmindedly tore a strand of grass out of the ground, knotting it together with another.
Thoughts ran around inside his head, coming and fleeting and jumping around. 

He should probably start heading back. Julian would be worried. He wanted to stay here, among this peace and quiet, away from all the chaos, and loud screaming, suffocating noises filling the air. He always had to wear his headphones, or the noise became too much. 

Today was Livvy's funeral, though, Ty tried as hard as possible to keep those thoughts from his mind. He knew if he didn't, he would break down right here and now. 

Everytime Ty thought of Livvy, heard her mentioned, saw her, it felt as if his heart were being ripped to shreds, tearing and folding in on itself until there was nothing left at all. 

Ty hoisted himself up off the ground, groaning. His backside and legs had fallen asleep from sitting too long. He glanced up at the sun, shielding his eyes from the bright light.
"Julian's going to be pissed," he murmured ruefully to himself.


Julian was pissed off. As soon as Ty got back, a wave of relief crossed Julian's face.
He pulled him into a tight hug, gripping him hard. Ty had his hands pinned awkwardly to his sides. 

Julian pulled back, then his gaze hardened.

"Tiberius Blackthorn, you're in big trouble," Julian said sternly, hauling Ty inside by the scruff of his shirt. Ty winced, dreading the scolding he was sure to get. Julian pulled Ty into the pastel blue kitchen, the smell of coffee and pancakes still on the stove. 

Julian dragged Ty, sitting him in a chair. He towered over him, blue green eyes burning, anger crackling between shades of blue.

"How dare you leave, walking out by yourself. I was worried sick. I thought you had run away, what with what day it is." Julian gulped down his emotion. "These are dangerous times and you can't go wandering out by yourself. The Blackthorn family is more than likely under suspicion, and we can't afford any more mess ups. What must you have had to walk for, three hours?"
Ty butted in, "It was four." 

He couldn't look Julian in the eyes. He never had been able to. It felt to invasive, made him feel insecure and vulnerable. 

"I don't care. You shouldn't have done it. I-I know Livvy just-just died," his voice cracked.
"I know you were the closest with her, you were going to be parabatai. But that gives you no leniency. We are a family and we need to get through this together." 

Ty, anger riddling his voice, replied, "It isn't as if I've never been anywhere by myself before, Julian." 

Julian blew out an exasperated sigh. "I know that, but times have changed. We need to stick together." 

Ty nodded, wondering if the argument was over. He stood up, his eyes flicked cautiously upwards. Julian's eyes weren't as hard, his old steady, normal expression was planted on his face. Ty, wanting to make sure, whispered, "Are we done arguing?" Julian pulled him into another hug, running his hands slowly, and brotherly through Ty's hair. 

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