Daughter Of A Son <> Sons Of Anarchy.1

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Chapter One.

Tate's pov

I walked into the Jollybean and the girls waved at me as they were all on guys. I shook my head giggling.

"Hey darling." My boss said and kissed my head.

"Hey Jason." I said going behind the bar and putting my coat behind the register.

"Is that a new bruise?" He asked moving my hair to look at my neck.

"You need to move out Baby girl. Sooner or later it will get worse." He said and I sighed.

"Oh you mean worse to were she let's her boyfriends have their way with me?" I asked and he went wide eyed.

"That's it your staying with Sarah." He said and waved her over just as she was getting paid.

"Jason. Its fine. I'm leaving the second I have the money. I have 3000$ saved and hidden."  I said and he shakes his head.

"Not up for a discussion darling your family and we don't turn our backs on family." He said and I sighed.

"Sarah she's staying with you til she's gets the rest if the money she wants to save up." He said and she looked at me and saw the bruises.

"No problem. You got half your shit at my house anyways. Nyla loves you so after work we can go straight there." She said as I sighed and said fine. She smiled and a bunch of bikers came in.

"Hey Jason, someone recked a Red Dyna out front." The blonde called out.

"You got to be fucking joking!" I yelled and yanked my apron off and went out side.

"Son of a bitch!" I growled seeing my bike.

"Maybe next time you will listen you little bitch." I heard and I spun around to see my mothers newist boyfriend.

"You did this to my fucking bike!" I screamed and he smirked.

"Just wait till you get home baby girl." He purred and I launched my self at him and he pulled a gun out and shot my shoulder. I knocked the gun out of his hand ignoring the pain and beat the shit out of him. I was yanked off him and I screamed in pain and my hand went to my shoulder.

"Shit he shot her." I heard and I grunted.

"No shit!" I groaned and pushed myself out of their grip and went inside.

"Lupe!" I yelled and he looked up.

"Back office." I yelled and he saw me holding my shoulder. I groaned until I was picked up. I looked up to see the blonde biker.

"Back office." I said and he nodded and his friends followed.

Tig's pov

"Fucking bitch ass Dick." She spat at the guy pulling the bullet out.

"Princess hold still before I have one of them bikers sit on your ass." He said and she glared.

"What I tell you about calling me that?" She growled and bit her fist. He pulled the bullet out and stitched her up. One of the girls came in with Jason

"Nick picked up your bike baby girl." Jason said and she sighed.

"Want one of us to take you home?" I asked and she shot up.

"Fuck no. That man didn't shoot me or reck my bike for no reason." She said and ran a hand through her hair.

"Tate Jamie Trager I swear to got if that was your mothers newist boyfriend I will send these boys to kill him." Jason yelled and she grumbled.

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