Daughter Of A Son <> Sons Of Anarchy.5

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Chapter Five.

Tate's pov

I watch my dad, Jax, Happy, Chibs and Tyler get taken in hand cuffs. Opie came out and hit an officer. He looked at me and smiled.

"Love you baby girl. Help Lyla." He said and I nodded.

"Wait. Eli!" I said and he looked at me.

"Can I say bye?" I asked and he nodded. I ran and hugged my dad, Happy, Opie, Jax, Chibs and Tyler. Tyler kissed me and was dragged away. I felt arms around me and I looked up to see Tara.

"Please let them be safe." I said and she brought me inside. I called Lyla and she said to come over to the house. I grabbed a some clothes I left in Tyler's room and went to Opie's house. The kids hugged me and than Lyla hugged me. ( okay so I fucked up the episodes. Sorry guys.)  I cooked dinner with Lyla and when Nero called.

"Hey you got this?" I asked and she nodded and I left and went to Nero's. I walked in and Carla saw me.

"Bambino!" She said and I hugged her.

"What's going on?" I asked and Gemma walked in.

"Back room." Nero said and we walked to the back room and I opened it to see Clay and a blonde girl.

"Shit." I said and Gemma attacked the girl. I pulled her off and got hit.

"Out now!" I screamed at Gemma and she flinched. She walked out and I helped the girl up. I got her cleaned up and said I could drop her of somewhere. She nodded. I walked her out and Nero nodded.

"I'll be back in an hour." I said and he nodded again. I gave her my helmet and got on. She got on and wrapped her arms around me and I sped off to her apartment. She got off and gave me the helmet.

"Here. Its loaded and the safety is on." I said giving her my extra gun. I showed her how to work it.

"Aim and shoot don't hold back. Here's my number call me if you need me alright." I said and she nodded and hugged me. I put my helmet on and took off. I walked inside and Gemma saw me.

"Tate I'm so sorry." She said and I put my hand up stopping her.

"Your not with him. Why the hell did you pull the jealous card?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"Its hard to explain." She sighed and I shook my head.

"Nero deserves a lot Gemma. He saved my life. He's family. I don't care what you do but you break his heart and I'm gonna break your face." I said and went upstairs to my loft I used to stay in.

"We kept it the same." I heard Carla and I turned and smiled at her.

"Heard you got an old man." She said and I giggled.

"Yeah been dating for a month. Its weird. I know he's not in it for sex but I know guys have needs." I said and she giggled. We heard a gun shot and I heard police. Glad my gun is in my bike. We went downstairs and we got arrested.

"Well damn." I grumbled and Nero went wide eyed.

"Looks like I'm going back." I sighed Gemma said no.

"Go back where honey?" An officer asked crouching down.

"My mothers. She is a drug User and she's abusive." I said and she looked at the head officer.

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