Daughter Of A Son <> Sons Of Anarchy.4

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Chapter Four.

Tate's pov

Its been a whole 2 months since I moved in with my dad. My bike was completely fixed and in the best shape its been in for a while. Right now the club is on lock down. Gemma and Clay are over. Clay betrayed the club by the break in. Dad was furious because they broke into our house and I was home alone. Sack was killed. (Sorry I forgot he was killed when Abel was kidnapped. Tate came in a little while after Abel was kidnapped.) Anyways Tyler is 18 now and we got closer. At the moment we are best friends. He's also a prospect. His mom is back and she is trying to to see Abel. Tyler doesn't have a relationship with Wendy because he only met her once and that was when she fell pregnant with Abel. I put her in her place when she called me ghetto trash and said she wants me no where Tyler. He was there when it happened.

"Nero!" I said when I saw him and he looked at me.

"Tate." He said shocked. I got off Tyler's lap and ran into his arms.

"Bambino what are you doing here?" He asked pulling away.

"I got away from mom. Tig is my dad." I said and he smiled.

"I'm happy for you bambino." He said and he told Jax he could help.

"No way are you using that money Nero." I said and he sighed.

"Nothing gets past you." Ge said and I smiled.

"I got 20,000. Will that help?" I asked Jax and he nodded.

"Some what." He said and I nodded.

"I'll give you the rest." Nero said and shot me a lot.

"So how do you two know each other?" Jax asked and I smiled.

"He saved my life. I was locking up Jollybean when my moms boyfriend at the time came and shot me twice. He got me to the hospital. He said he was my uncle and it happened on the way home from work. I got to stay with him for 2 months til my mom reported me as a run away. Went to juvi for 3 months than got out and went back to the beatings and the rapes." I said and he gave me a sad smile.

"Your free from all of that now baby girl." He said and I smiled.

"I'll take Happy or Dad to get the cash." I said but Jax stopped me.

"Your dad and Happy will be mad your wasting your money darling." He said and Nero agreed.

"Fine." I said and they chuckled.

"Go on on I want to talk to Nero." He said and I nodded and kissed them both on the cheek. I left closing the doors. I went over to Tyler and sat on his lap.


Tyler's pov

We sat with Tara and Jax as my mother ranted on.

"Stop bitching! Your an ex junkie whore. If the IRA wanted you dead you would be dead Wendy no discussion about it. I respect you because you got clean. Hell my own mother won't get clean. But at the end of the day Tara and Jax raised Abel and they didn't use while being pregnant with the kid. Abel and Tyler are better off without you." Tate snapped at Wendy and Jax and Tara smiled. I draped my arm over her shoulder.

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