Daughter Of A Son <> Sons Of Anarchy.3

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Chapter Three.

Tyler's pov

"Daddy!" Tate yelled and he jumped and hit head on the hood. We shared a look and busted out laughing.

"Can Tyler and I go to the house so I can change and shower?" She asked as he rubbed his head.

"Yeah. Keep your gun with you. Call if anyone you don't know shows up." He said kissing her head. We walked to my bike and got on. I sped off to her house. We walked into the house and she tossed her keys on the coffee table and we went upstairs after locking the door. We walked into her room.

"Damn that's a lot of bongs and pipes." I said and she giggled.

"Yeah I collect." She said and I plopped on her bed as she search her closet.

"Want to get lunch after?" I asked and she looked at me.

"Sure. Text my dad to let him know." She said and went into the bathroom with clothes.


She walked out drying her hair and she looked sexy as fuck.

"Want to smoke before we leave?" She asked and I said sure

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"Want to smoke before we leave?" She asked and I said sure. She grabbed a gray can and sat on her bed and rolled a joint. Just as she was about to light the joint her dad walked in.

"I got your text. Here." He said handing her money.

"Dad I got money." She said and he shakes his head.

"You've been saving that." He said and kissed her head.

"Keep her safe." He told me and I nodded as Happy walked in.

"If you don't you deal with me." Happy said and I nodded wide eyed. They left and we smoked than left and went to the diner.

Tate's pov

We walked into the club house laughing.

"Did you see how red she got!" I laughed and he smiled.

"What can I say I have that effect." He said and I laughed.

"Cocky much?" I asked and he draped his arm over my shoulder.

"Very much short cake." He said and I rolled my eyes and nudged his ribs. We sat down and talked smoking a joint.

"Hey you two." Dad said making us look up.

"Hey how was the run?" I asked and he sighed.

"I'll stay at the house. You can stay here and have at it with all the loose pussy." I said and Tyler chuckled.

"She's a keeper." Tyler laughed and I blushed and looked down.

"Tyler has to stay with you than. I don't want you there alone." Dad said and we said okay.

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