Daughter Of A Son <> Sons Of Anarchy.2

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Chapter Two.

Tyler Case.

Happy's pov

Tate came down with a blue bong and she pushed me over making the guys laugh.

"Most people are afraid of me." I grunted and she looked at me.

"Fear means emotions. I haven't had normal emotions since I was 10." She said and tapped my nose. She packed the bowl on the bong and lit up. She passed it and that's what we all did til Gemma was done cooking.

"Damn that's good shit." Chibs coughed and she giggled.

"Top notch. Ain't laced with nothing." She said and we looked at her.

"That girl that I hugged yesterday. I grow my weed at her house in her shed. Half my money is from selling." She said and sat back.

"Other of is from bartending at the Jollybean." She said and her dad shakes his head.

"Well you won't be working there anymore. You can help at TM." Clay said reassuring her dad. We sat at the table and ate breakfast.

"What about school baby girl?" Gemma asked Tate and she scrunched her nose.

"I take that as a no." She said and Tate nodded.

"I kept getting kicked out for fighting or just not showing up in general. Can't really go when you have bruises all over." She said and we nodded understanding.


Tate's pov

I sat in the office at TM with Gemma when a women came in.

"Hey Gemma." She said and Gemma looked up.

"Tara this is Tate Tig youngest daughter." Gemma said and I nodded a hi.

"I'll be in the club house." I muttered and left the office. I laid down on the couch and sighed. I fell asleep only to wake up to a kid jumping on me.

"Abel!" I hear Tara and he giggled. I got up and picked him up and took him outside.

"Lose someone?" I asked her and she turned around and sighed in relief.

"Where did you find him?" She asked and I smiled.

"Jumping on me while I slept on the couch." I said and she sighed.

"You need any help with the kids I'm game. " I said handing her over.

"I'll take the help. I got two kids. My wife also has a kid." Opie said slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"Well you know where I live. Drop them off when ever or dad can drop me off at your house." I said and he nodded.

"Look at you being friendly." Happy grunted and I leaned over and took his cigarette. I stood and smirked.

"Look at you speaking more than a few words." I grunted and Opie and Tara laughed.

"You two are so alike." Dad said and I exhale.

"No we're not." We grunted and they laughed. I handed Happy the cigarette back.

"Oh dad my bike is getting dropped of here next week." I said and he nodded.

"So the camaro that you smashed? Whose car was that?" Happy asked and I sat next to him.

"Moms boyfriend. Its his baby." I said with a smirk.

"You damaged it so bad that I doubt it could get fixed." Opie said and I nodded.

"He recked my bike. That's a big no no." I said and they laughed. Tara gave me a baby and he gurgled.

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