Daughter Of A Son <> Sons Of Anarchy.7.

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Chapter Seven.

Tyler's pov

Its been a 4 years. I became the enforcer while Happy became VP and Chibs became President. Tig's is ST at arms again. Bobby, Dirty Phil, Juice, Tara, Clay, Gemma and Jax are all dead. Wendy got custody of Abel and Thomas. Sadly Marcus and his old lady got killed and Tate got custody of Bella Rose and Talia. Not to mention she's pregnant herself. We got out of the coke and gun selling. Chibs is making Jax proud and followed JT's steps for the club. I was brought out of my thoughts to Tate yelling in Spanish. The girls ran out and jumped on me.

"Are you driving you sister crazy?" I asked and they giggled. Bella rose was 11 years old when I met her. She 15 now and Talia is 17.

"Please tell her to let us go to the party Ty." They pouted and I shake my head.

"I'm sorry girls but I'm with her on this. We don't know these kids." I said and they sighed and said okay.

"I will put bars on your window if you try sneaking out!" Tate said putting her hands on her hips.

"Okay." They said and she sighed.

"How is the baby Tate?" Talia asked as Tate rubbed her belly.

"The baby is okay. You two stressing me isn't helping though." She said and they nodded.

"We're sorry." They said and got up and hugged her. Tate hugged them.

"How about we go see daddy?" Bella Rose asked and Tate smiled.

"Go change." Tate said kissing their heads and they ran upstairs. Tate came over and bent down and kissed me. I kissed her belly and smiled.


I was in church with the guys when Chuckie busted through the doors.

"Tate's in labor, Talia called." He said and we all got up and ran out. I got to the hospital and I ran through the doors. Talia and Bella Rose stood up.

"Their waiting for you. Go through those door and got left. She's the one yelling in every language." Talia said and I ran to my wife.

Tig's pov

I hugged the girls and they hugged Happy.

"How is she?" Chibs asked and they huffed.

"A pain in the ass. I sped all the way here cause she didn't want to go to Stockton hospital. I'm so thankful the cops weren't out an about. I was doing over 100 miles. When we got here she was yelling in any language she knew. That's when I called Chuckie because Tyler and none of you guys weren't answering." Talia said and Happy kissed her head.

"You did good." I said and she nodded.

"What were you guys doing in Stockton?" Rat snapped and she looked down.

"Seeing daddy and her Mamá." Bella Rose snapped back and he looked down.

"I want Lyla." She said crossing her arms.

"I'm right her girls." We heard and we turned to see her. The girls ran into her arms. We all waited for a few hours til Tyler came out.

"You girls ready to meet your nephew?" He asked and they nodded tired. I got up.

"Come on grandpa." He said and the 4 of us went back to see Tate holding him.

"What's his name?" We asked and she looked up.

"Marcus Henry Case." She said and the girls got teary eyes.

"Come on." She beckoned and they went iver and got to hold him. I went to my daughter and kissed her head. I got to hold my grandson and he smiled up at me.

The End.

I really hope you all like this book. I know I screwed up some episodes but I'm sorry. I hope it was still a good book. I love you all.

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