alec top angry sex

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Alec was frustrated to began with first the clave had much to say about him being gay and having a downworlder as his boyfriend. Not to mention his dad trying to talk to him and "be friends" again. And the Madame inquisitor say that he's not right to be the head of the institute.

When he went home he was hoping for a nice peaceful night with his love magnus but that would be far from what he was expecting

Alec's prov:

Magnus I'm home .... Are you here

In my office Alec

'Damn he's mad that's all I need when he calls me Alec he is mad I don't want to fight not tonight' Alec was thinking whole walking to his boyfriends office

"What do you want Alec"
Magnus said harshly
"I'm still working so what do you need"

Alec had it
"Damn what the hell is your problem I've had a long day to you know it not just you that has a tough job having to deal with ignorant people but I was being nice and you snap my head off gezz like I needed this to add to my already horrible day.... I'm going to the room Mr. Bane"

I felt bad but it was the truth magnus always told me I should speak for myself now I did and I feel like a terrible person but he deserved  it whatever ....

Magnus sat there confused as hell on what just took placed

'god what is up with Alec today he just got home and he comes in here and talks to me like that but i shouldn't have called him Alec its not his fault  i should go say I'm sorry but ...... I'm afraid to what he snaps at me again i don't think i would be able to handle it i would probably snap back and that's something i never want to do to the person i love... i should just go to see whats bugging him maybe he will forgive me.'

Maguns walked to there bedroom and saw Alec on the bed laying on his stomach Magnus walked silently towards Alec his breathing was uneven and his back raising fast to his heartbeat that Maguns was surprisingly able to hear maybe not well but well enough.

Magnus  slowly went on the bed to straddle Alec, which made Alec take a deep breath in and let it out very fast

' why the fuck is he here doing this when he just yelled at me and i yelled at him back something i don't understand him but i guess that's part in being in a real relationship ..... but Magnus did tell me "when this get rough don't push me away" but isn't that what he just did to me right now by the angel i don't understand relationships'

"what do you want Magnus"

'it hurt me the way Alec talked to me but i guess i deserved it from the way i talked to him'
Alec I'm sorry I...... I  didn't mean to talk to you like that i am soooooo sorry babe please believe me"

Alec activated his agility rune and had Magnus under him and he was on top

"H.....hey" magnus squeaks

"get ready" is all Alec says

out of no where Alec spit on his hand and then shoved his dick in Magnus

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Magnus screamed in agony and a little bit of pleasure but most pain

"this is what you get for yelling at me for no reason at all i didnt do anything to you except come home ............. are you ever going to answer me like that again hmmmmmm" Alec scolded Magnus

"n..... nooo i wont babe please slow down it hurts a lot" Magnus begged for mercy for his boyfriend to stop being so hard on his backside but that was far from what Alec was doing

Alec thrusted in Magnus a few more time before hitting his orgasm and cumming in Magnus' abused hole

Alec lied there panting heavily by his boyfriend and looked at him Magnus was in pain and he could tell but a part of him was still mad at Magnus for how he talked to him

later on each explained to each other why they were so angry and they apologized and fell asleep next to each other cuddling one another tightly

(A/N)  im very sorry if it sucked my first time writing an angry sex fanfic so if its bad im sorry if you like leave a comment please thank you guys for reading it means a lot to me love you guys 

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