[4] Warmth

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"That you're an omega."

Yoongi swear his heart screams nothing but fear, especially when Jimin was just staring at him with nothing but a deadpan expression.

Yoongi didn't move, for he feels his legs getting weaker when Jimin walked towards him, blood rushing faster than normal to every nerves on his body.

"I-I'm not- don't touch me, p-please. Please-" Yoongi didn't care if he begs or even get down until his knees are bruising red, he's scared and he feels helpless, there's nothing he can do, "Please, I'm a-an omega, o-okay? Please don't-"

Yoongi was cut off when he was about to finish his sentence, Jimin's palm were giving his cheeks enough warmth, "hey, hey, calm down. Calm down, I won't do anything.  I'm sorry if I scared you."

Jimin sounded so soothing in Yoongi's ears, like someone who cares for him for a long time when they only met few hours ago.

"Are you scared because of my smell?" Jimin asked, his hands never leaving the omega's cheeks as he stares at Yoongi, trying to calm the omega in his touch.

"Y-yes, it's too strong and- it's scary, sorry." Yoongi answered, gulping a lump down on his throat, thinking that he's about to choke himself again and again everytime he gave a response.

"I'm the one who should apologize. Are you okay now?" Jimin asked, Yoongi nodded in reply.

Yoongi hates it when he almost gasp at the sudden loss of warmth in his cheeks, grimacing when he didn't deny that he miss it on his mind.

"How did you know I was an omega?"

"I saw you the other day with someone, on the park, at first I was confused by your smell, there's a very small sweet scent lingering on you yet you have a strong scent. Then, I saw you again here," he paused for a moment, scrunching nose up before sniffing, "I thought to myself that maybe I can ask if you're an omega, as a joke okay? and I was damn right. I apologized."

Yoongi shakes his head, he understands now, meaning that he misunderstands Jimin and even misinterpret him. But what else can he do? It's his instincts to defend and protect himself, "it's okay."

"Where do you live? I can walk you," Jimin ask, "if you only want, then- it's okay. Uh, just be careful, okay?"

Yoongi nod and with that, both of them separated.

Yoongi sighed, his feet feels so weak earlier, he never experienced something like that before. But he was thankful, Jimin wasn't any other alpha, he's different, it shows how he was raised well, judging from the poise and appearance, he's a very well mannered guy.

"Jimin, stop hiding. I can smell you," Yoongi lets out an exasperated sigh, scratching the back of his head when the alpha lets out a nervous chuckle.

"Sorry, it's just that- it's already late at night. I'll just walk you home."

"I'm fine, I have an alpha smell, it's okay."

"Nope," Jimin replied, loudly popping the p as he shakes his head in disagreement. Yoongi didn't know why the boy was so clingy, they just met a few hours ago.

Yoongi honestly don't know why. But that night, he felt safe. Jimin is someone who doesn't seem to have any interest in him and that's good, as if Jimin was protecting him.


"I can't fucking believe you didn't show up last night, Yoongi." Taehyung pouts, crossing both of his arms in disappointment, "did you know that your parents were so worried, they forgot that they have a phone and just starts panicking in the restaurant?"

Yoongi laughs out loud to the point that it echoes the room, he kinda felt bad for laughing but how Taehyung says it makes it funnier, "I know, I know. There was an emergency, I helped an omega in heat yesterday."

Taehyung gasp, "Jinjja? Oh my gosh. What happened? Tell me! Every details."

"I was about to go home then I saw an omega, I'm pretty sure he was on his heat because of the smell and how other people looked at him. So I brought him to his doctor and ta-da! I saved his day." Yoongi answers, leaving the other parts hidden.

"You're boring." Taehyung frowns, sinking down on his seat.

Yoongi grins, "I know," he was taken a back for a moment, biting his lip in hesitation, thinking if he should tell the rest of what happened yesterday. That's his best friend right there, he can tell everything, right? It won't harm the both of them, he's pretty sure- well not really, Yoongi don't know.

He doesn't know how Taehyung will react, he's protective. Over protective is the right term to describe Taehyung, it's their rule to let him know every person that are talking to Yoongi, if and only if you're not blood-related to Yoongi.

"Uh, Tae?"

His bestfriend hums in question, turning to face the omega and stop on what he was typing on his phone.

Yoongi feel shy, there's no reason to feel embarrassed- really, yet a light rosy color tinted his pale cheeks, "well, uh-"

Taehyung wait for him to talk, he knows Yoongi was having a hard time to muster up his courage to either tell something or request something, he don't need to hurry him up. They got all the time.

"What is it, Yoongi? Do you need anything?" Taehyung finally breaks the silence between them, patting the boy's shoulder who flinch a little. He grimace, did someone touched him? Did someone hurt him? Because if someone does, that person will fucking regret it.

"What fucking happened, Yoongi? Who hurt you?" Taehyung asked with a clenched jaw, "Yoongi, you better fucking answer me-"

Oh shit.

Yoongi gawked, shaking his head, "No, Tae. No one, no one!"

It didn't take too long for Taehyung to calm his angry nerves down, sighing in relief as he examine Yoongi's facial expressions,  "then what? Tell me, I won't get angry. You need something? You want something?"

"No, it's just that.." Yoongi finds himself fidgeting his own fingers, unsure on what to do with them as he look down on his lap, letting out a shaky breath, there's nothing to be afraid of. Yoongi trust him, Taehyung will not do something that he hates.

"I met an alpha yesterday," Yoongi confess in a whisper, staring at his friend through his eyelashes, he laughs nervously after, deciding on taking what he just said after, "but- don't worry, I won't see him again so-"

"Yoongi, look at me."

"Okay." Yoongi mumble, shifting in his seat to turn his body to face Taehyung, lifting his face up to meet the other's gaze, he's afraid on what will happen next, what kind of expression Taehyung was making, is he mad?

"I don't mind, Yoongi, okay? But you need to pay attention to me more rather than that alpha, 'kay?" Taehyung said in an angry tone playfully, seeing Yoongi finally smile infront of him is far more better than a scared Yoongi.

Although, he don't fully trust an alpha being Yoongi's friend. Yoongi- he's just, a soft small bean even though not everyone can see it, Yoongi is still an omega, he can be vulnerable at times, Taehyung just have the urge to protect him.

"Thank you, I promise." Yoongi forms a curve in his lips, nodding.

"So what does he look like?"


I failed my pre-calculus exam, we have two upcoming exams tomorrow but here i am- i rEGRET NOTHING THO- UPDATE FOR EVERY YOONMIN TRASH OUT THERE


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