[5] Playground

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"Today's so boring." Taehyung sighs, kicking the pebbles as both walk out of the school gate.

Yoongi wanted to meet him again. That was the only thing he's sure about that, the guy he met a few weeks back, the guy who held his cheeks and gave him the feeling of warmth and safety. The problem is, Jimin (the name of the guy if he's not mistaken) was out of his sight ever since that night.

He even comes up with a lie on Taehyung so that he can search on the park and find Jimin. (yep, i did that)

"Yoongi, you okay?"

"Yes, I'm okay. Why?"

"I called you a bitch but you didn't get angry and just nod at me." Taehyung laughs deeply earning a loud smack from his chest and a glare from Yoongi.

He groans, rubbing the part where it hurts the most, "what are you thinking anyway? You keep zoning out."

Yoongi felt his tongue rolls back in his mouth, zipping them shut as his glares died down. Shoulders slouching as he fix his shirt even though there's no need to.

"I want to see him again, Tae." Yoongi forms a small frown, he really didn't know why. He was never thirsty for this kind of shits. Usually, water is a solution but this time, water can't help any further.

"Who?" asks Taehyung, yawning as he wraps his arm on the shorter's neck.

Yoongi huffs, "oh you forgot about it already? Just because things are going well with you and that- bunny Jugkook, you will stop taking care of me."

Taehyung's eyes widen, "Aniyo! I will take care of you, Yoongi-yah. I just tend to forget things."

Yoongi rolls his eyes back, "Yeah, but you never forget sending Jungkook a text."

"Hey, Yoongi. I'm sorry, I forgot his name, tell it to me again? Please?" Taehyung begs, clasping both of his hands together, pursing his lips.

"Jimin, the guy I met weeks ago? I want to meet him, Taehyungie." Yoongi's cheeks heat up, hoping that Taehyung would miss that part of him.

Taehyung scratch the back of his neck, as if it can help him to remember the guy's foreign name. He gasp when he remembers the time when Yoongi talks about that alpha, "Oh! I remember now. Wait, I thought you're seeing each other?"

"Yeah, not really." Yoongi laughs sadly, his shoulders slouching down.

"Why do you want to meet him again, anyway?"

Why does Yoongi want to meet the alpha again anyway? He's supposed to guard his body more since someone already knows his secrets that are meant to stay hidden at everyone. He doesn't even know Jimin very well, they talked just once.

"I just want to, I don't know why." He exhales deep heavy breaths, pursing his bottom lip as he fix his gaze towards the small child in the playground.

There's a little girl wearing a black leggings with a pink tutu wrapped around her hips, her thick jacket's covered in a small amount of dusts in her shoulders and arms while holding a small shovel.

Yoongi's heart melt at the sight when the girl rub her nose followed by a sneeze escaping through her lips. She squats back on the sand, digging through them with the use of her pink beautiful shovel, scooping them as she place the sand just beside her.

"Let me guess, you wanna talk to her?"

"Yeah, I want to." Yoongi whispers, excitement already filling his voice.

"Well, you can. But be careful, people might think you're a pedo or a pervert. You have an alpha smell in you." Taehyung reminds him, fishing through his pockets to find some coins.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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