Though My Skies Are Turning Gray

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Prompt: Jason x reader where she's hurt and he freaks out and yells at Batman and the others for letting her get hurt by anon

"How could you let this happen?" Jason yelled as he carried an unconscious Y/N towards the gurney in the batcave.

"We didn't let this happen, it was an accident! Do you think we wanted her to get hurt? If we could have prevented this we would have." Dick argued.

"Grayson is right, Todd." Damian added "We tried to take every precaution. It is not our fault everything didn't go according to plan."

"Boys, arguing won't make Y/N get better any faster. Tim, what is Dr Thompkins's ETA?" Bruce asked as he gathered medical supplies.

"She should be arriving any second." Tim answered, typing away at the computer.

"Good, Dick, Damian, Jason, go upstairs." Bruce commanded as he arranged the equipment on a table "I will call you if I need you, but until then your hovering is getting on my nerves."

"She is my girlfriend, Bruce, you cannot expect me to go wait while she is down here. I'm staying." Jason said firmly.

"Fine" Bruce sighed as Lee hurriedly entered the cave. "But stay out of the way."

The soft beeping of the machines lured Y/N from her sleep. She felt lighter than air, like she was floating above the clouds. Then another noise broke through.

"I'm so sorry I got you into this mess. It is all my fault that you got hurt." Jason's voice whispered brokenly. "I promise that when you wake up, I'll quit and we'll start over. We'll have a vanilla ice cream and apple pie life. White picket fences, homeowner's association, loud dogs next door, the whole nine yards."

"Well, that sounds really boring." Y/N whispered weakly, her eyes opening slightly to look at him. He was a wreck. He was sitting in a chair next to the bed, still in his costume and it was obvious he hadn't moved from his spot all night.

"You're awake. Oh thank God." Jason sighed, as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

"And it is a good thing I am. You were about to sentence us both to the 14th ring of hell, Suburbia." Y/N joked as she lifted a hand to cup his face.

"But this life, it's too dangerous-"

"I knew it would be. When I found out you were the Red Hood, I thought long and hard about what it would mean to continue dating you. I knew I would have to share you with Roy, Kori, your family, all of gotham, hell the entire fucking planet." Y/N laughed before continuing "I also knew there would be a chance I could get hurt. I'm not stupid, Jason, I know you make a lot of enemies in your line of work, but I also knew that I already had a target on me. I just now knew it was there. But despite all of that, I decided this" Y/N gestured between the two of them. "What we have is worth it."

"But you got hurt!" Jason protested. " What about next time? You could be killed. Any happiness we have together isn't worth your life."

"I'll be the judge of that, Jason Peter Todd." Y/N said unyieldingly "I'm not letting you try and save me by ending the best thing in both of our lives. So if you want out of this relationship, it would seem you have to kill me yourself."

Jason thought about this for a moment before speaking. "Why of all the people in the entire world, did I have to fall in love with the one person more stubborn than I am?"

"Because only I would be determined enough to put up with your bullheaded idea that you don't deserve a good thing." Y/N replied smartly.

"Not a good thing, doll, the best thing." Jason said as he stared lovingly at Y/N.


"Is Todd done flirting with L/N yet? I want to see if she is feeling better." Damian asked Dick, who was watching the entire exchange on Tim's monitor.

"You leave them alone right now, Dami. Little Wing and his girlfriend are having a moment." Dick said wiping a tear from the corner of his eye.

"Well, moment is over. I want someone to watch one of those movies for children with me and you always sing the songs too loud."

Jason Todd x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now