You Must Be This Tall To Read This Fic (Feat. Roy Harper)

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Prompt: Could you write something where Jason has a short s/o and him always having to bend over and the reader having to stand on their tiptoes when they kiss, and him having to reach things for them or putting things out of reach? Just domestic fluff please by anon

"What the actual fuck do you think you are doing?" Y/N heard as she felt two arms wrap around her waist and pull her off the counter.

She had been trying to find something and it wasn't on the lower shelves so she had climbed up on the counter. When she had still been unable to find what she needed, she had stood up on the counter and continued her search.

So Jason had walked into the kitchen to find his girlfriend literally standing on the counter and looking through the cabinet.

"I was getting something." Y/N explained as he put her on the ground.

"And you couldn't have pulled up a chair? Jesus Christ, Y/N, you almost gave me a heart attack. I almost died. Again." Jason said, gripping his chest dramatically.

"I didn't think about that. And it is your fault anyway for putting everything on the top shelf anyway." Y/N said as she grabbed a chair and pulled it over to the cabinet she had previously been looking in.

Jason just smirked and watched her continue looking. "Do you need some help?" He asked sickeningly sweet.

"Not from you, you fucking giant." Her voice sounded a little echoey because her head was currently in the cabinet.

"What are you even looking for anyway?" He asked as he watched her close the cabinet with a sigh.

"My sewing supplies. They were in a cookie tin, but now I cannot find it." Y/N said as she got down from the chair. Jason thought about it for a minute before pulling the chair to a cabinet so high up even he needed help reaching it. He stood on it for a minute and pulled a cookie tin out.

"Is this it?" He asked, holding it out to her.

Y/N took it and opened it up to find actual cookies. "Of course." She sighed. "The one time I don't want cookies would be the one time this is the actual cookie tin. Are there any more tins up there?"

Jason looked back into the cabinet. "Nope, that was the only one." He got down and put the chair back up. "Sorry, babe. For once I didn't actually hide it." He came over and leaned down to kiss her cheek. "You want to watch a movie?"

"Sure, I don't have anything else to do. What did you have in mind?" Y/N asked as she let him lead her to the couch.

"I picked last time, it is your turn." He said as he settled on the couch. She quickly found something that she liked and put it on. She sat on the couch and leaned against Jason, then she put her legs up on the couch and stretched them out.

One of the few times she would ever be thankful for being short, she could usually stretch out comfortably on a couch.

She had almost fallen asleep when Roy came in.

"Hey, who took my cookie tin and filled it with sewing supplies?"

Jason Todd x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now