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Prompt: May I request a Jason x Reader where Roy tries to get the reader and Jason together by putting mistletoes everywhere?

Roy was done. So utterly and completely done. He watched as his best friends looked at each other when the other wasn't watching, their soft longing looks.

Don't get him wrong, he had thought it was cute...... Nine months ago, when they had first met and it was all fresh and new, but watching two people dance around each other and not admit they might be in love gets old really quick. Especially when you are the one they both go to when they want to talk about their feelings. He was kind of sick of hearing how smart and sweet and attractive they were like he kind of lives with them did they think he didn't know how great they were? It was almost insulting if he was being honest.

Roy rubbed his eyes tiredly as he watched Jason glance at Y/N with a soft smile before quickly looking away. Honestly if he had wanted to watch a Hallmark movie he would have turned one on. Speaking of which, maybe a Holiday movie is just what he needed to distract himself before he murdered the pining lovers.

He turned on some cheesy flick with snow and bright lights. He was slightly invested in the plot when a lightbulb went off in his head. He jumped up from the couch and ran out the door.

"What's up with him?" Y/N asked quietly. Jason just shrugged before turning back to his book.

Roy returned several hours later with bags filled with green things. He hurried to his room and waited until Y/N and Jason went to sleep.

Y/N woke up and heard someone blaring music in the kitchen. She got up and walked out her door just in time to meet Jason in the hall.

"What the hell is Roy up to?" Jason grumbled under his breath. They made their way into the living room to find a very... festive surprise. The entire ceiling was decorated with mistletoe. Not a square inch was not covered in the greenery.

"Morning, you two." Roy called out from the kitchen. "So, I have gotten tired of this whole unrequited love thing when you two are obviously in love with each other."

"Roy!" Y/N cried out, her face turning bright red.

"Anyways, this is my solution." Roy said, gesturing to the mistletoe. "I'm going to my room to give you some privacy, but I expect you two to work this out." He turned on some soft and slow Christmas song and left the room.

Other than the music, the room was quiet for several minutes. At last, Jason cleared his throat.

"Look," He started. "I don't know what possessed him to pull this stunt, but I want to apologize on his behalf."

"It's fine." Y/N said. "I just feel stupid for telling him I liked you."

"Wait, you like me?" Jason said, completely surprised. "I thought he did this because I told him I like you."

Y/N covered her face in her hands and groaned. "It's too early in the morning for this."

Jason laughed as he pulled her close. He gently pried her hands away from her face. He gently caressed her flushed face in his hands. He leaned in until his face was less than an inch away from hers, but he hesitated to close the gap. Y/N smiled shyly as gently pressed her lips to his. The nervous energy between them faded at the contact. When Y/N pulled back, the affection she saw in Jason's eyes made her wonder how she could have ever thought he didn't return her feelings, there was so much love shining through them. She'd have to remember to thank Roy later for being the most unconventional but effective wingman ever.

Jason Todd x Reader - OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now