Super Secretary

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Prompt: Maybe some Tim fluff with his secretary at WE?? 😘😘please by @jadedhillon

"Mr. Drake? You have a meeting at three o'clock. Do you have the papers I left on your desk this morning?" Y/N asked as she opened the door to her boss's office. What she found was a messy desk and a CEO passed out on the couch that she had ordered moved in here just for this purpose.

Y/N sighed and walked over to the desk. She found the phone and dialed the conference room. "Hi, yes, this is Y/N L/N. Tim Drake's secretary? I am afraid he will be unable to make it to the meeting. Please send up any critical information and I will make sure he gets it. Thank you."

Y/N started sifting through the papers on the desk. She put them in two piles: papers that pertained to Wayne Enterprises and everything else.

Once she had organized the room, she made a pot of coffee.

The smell of the coffee started to rouse the man on the couch. He grunted and sat up, squinting as though he had forgotten quite where he was.

In all honesty, he probably had.

She found a clean cup, filled it with the strong dark drink, and then handed it to him. He moved over and patted the space beside him. She sighed and sat down. Silence stretched between them for several minutes while Tim sipped on his coffee.

"How long was I out?" He asked, his voice still rough with sleep.

"I don't quite know. You were working when I came in at eight, but it is three o'clock now. It probably wasn't long enough though. How long were you up?" Y/N asked, taking his now empty cup and refilling it again.

"Five days? I tend to lose count after the third one." Tim answered as he took the mug from her. "Don't give me that look."

"What look?" Y/N asked as she sat next to him again.

"The disapproving look. The one that says 'I signed up to work for this. I made the choice to continue working like this even though I knew what this job entailed.'"

"Actually it is the disappointed look that says 'My boss who is a really smart man makes really stupid decisions regarding his health and mental state and it makes me worried about him.'" Y/N corrected gently.

Tim smiled as he took the final sip of his coffee. "Thanks, Y/N. I don't pay you enough to deal with all this."

"You pay me just fine. Now, it is almost 5 o'clock and work is pretty much over. You go home and get some real sleep. I'll have the information from the meeting you missed on your desk in the morning." Y/N said as she got up and poured the remaining coffee from the pot.

She went to her desk and didn't leave until Tim exited his office to go home. People don't realize just how hard it is to raise your boss.

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