Cuddle Me?

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Y/N was well and truly bored. To make things worse, it was a type of boredom that is not satisfied by anything. TV, movies, books, nothing seemed to interest her. Which led to her current position, sprawled out on her bed staring at the ceiling.

She closed her eyes and took in the soft sounds in her apartment. The air conditioner trying to combat the sweltering Gotham heat. The distant sound of traffic from the streets below. The sound of clicking as her boyfriend was busy working away at something on his computer.

She opened her eyes as she realized what she needed. "Tim!" She yelled, sitting up but not moving from the bed.

She heard him jump at the sudden noise and she stifled a giggle behind her hand.

"What?" He called back.

"I need you." Y/N said as pitiful as she could possibly make herself sound.

She heard him sigh and get up. She giggled as he walked into the room.

"What is it?" Tim asked.

"Cuddle me?" Y/N said, fluttering her eyelashes sweetly.

Tim was just quiet for a moment as he looked down at his ridiculous girlfriend. "Really?"

"Please?" She said, trying not to giggle as she stuck her lip out in an exaggerated pout.

Tim shook his head and chuckled as he climbed on the bed and gathered her in his arms. "You are so needy today." He laughed as he played with her hair.

"Less speaking, more snuggles." She murmured as she buried her face in his shoulder.

They laid like that for several minutes. Time slowly ticking by as they appreciated each other's closeness.

"Okay, I am done." Y/N said as she wiggled out of Tim's grasp.

"What?" Tim said as he sat up. "You called me in here to snuggle with you and you quit after a couple minutes?"

"Yep." Y/N said with a nod. "What do you want for dinner? I am starving."

"What about take out? I don't really want to cook right now." Tim said as he got up.

Y/N nodded as she went into the kitchen to find the menus they kept in a drawer. He watched her go as he shook his head. Sometimes he really didn't understand his silly girlfriend, but he guessed that didn't matter as long as he loved her.

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