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Prompt: Gonna slip in this horror angst prompt lol. "I can hear them screaming, you know." The creature tilted his head, as if listening. "Begging anything, promising anything, if only I'll spare you. They sure loved you a lot, and never even knew, did you?"
"Let them go." 
"I thought you might say that." With Tim Drake/reader. Reader is the one who's possessed 🌸  

Y/N and Tim jumped from roof top to roof top, racing through the city.

Recently, there had been a string of mysterious deaths, many good honest people had been brutally murdered by people who had previously seemed wholesome. Each of the culprits had no recollection of committing the act. Quite to the contrary as many of the suspects seemed devastated to learn of their friend's demise.

The police force seemed to believe that recent maniacs were just getting good at playing dumb, but Commissioner Gordon wasn't so convinced. So he reached out to Red Robin for help.

At first, all the murders seemed completely unconnected. That is, until Tim ran the suspects through facial recognition. At the time of the first murder, the second suspect happened to be passing by the crime scene. He didn't notice the heinous crime being committed nearby, but something seemed to stop him in his tracks momentarily before he continued on as if nothing had happened. The pattern continued up to the most recent murder. An unwitting bystander passed by, stopping for a moment just as the others had.

Tim wasn't sure the reason behind the strange behavior, but what he did know was that anyone who exhibited this reaction would commit murder within the next three days.

And two days had already passed.

Hence why he and his fellow vigilante, Sparrow, were rushing to find the suspect before they could kill their victim.

At last, they spotted their target on an empty street in a quiet neighborhood. They stealthily followed him until he entered a home at the end of the block.

"What do we do now?" Y/N whispered. They couldn't let an innocent person die, but, at the same time, they didn't truly know what was going on.

"We've got to stay close in case he tries something." Tim said, preparing to drop down to the street. Y/N followed, hesitating for only a moment before jumping off the side of the building. they quickly approached the door the man had walked through.

There was an eerie silence within the home for several minutes, before a loud crash rang through the air. Tim and Y/N jumped into action, entering the home in seconds and searching for the cause of the sound. They found the man, unconscious and alone, laying next to a knocked over end table with a couple knick knacks and books scattered across the floor.

"Is this what all the commotion was about?" Y/N wondered out loud. Tim didn't answer as he left the room, searching the rest of the house before coming back.

"There is no one else here." He said. "Looks like this might have been a wild goose chase." He looked around for the man, but he was nowhere in sight. "Hey, you didn't let him leave, did you? He's a potential murderer, Y/N! It is so unlike you to mess up like this." Tim cried out in frustration.

"I wouldn't worry about it." Y/N said, looking not at all concerned.

"And why is that?" Tim asked, trying but failing to keep the frustration out of his voice.

"Because he isn't the one you two were looking for." She said. "I am."

Tim stared at her in confusion for a few seconds, before realizing what she meant. But by then it was too late.

Moving faster than he thought Y/N could, she grabbed him and tied him up with his own grappling cables, leaving him at the mercy of whatever had taken over his friend.

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