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Prompt: Reader gets turned into a cat by Klarion and Tim, unfortunately, has to deal with them. Normally reader is a well mannered person in general, BUT NO. THEY DECIDED TO BE ONE OF THOSE CATS WHO DOES EVERYTHING THEY CAN TO SPITE THEIR OWNER/CARETAKER by anon

"S/H/N, lookout!" S/H/N turned just in time to see the bright flash of red before it hit her. Tim watched in horror as his girlfriend was consumed with a bright flash of light and transformed into... a cat?

Klarion laughed hysterically before picking up Teekl and vanishing.

"Y/N?" Tim walked over to the small cat and crouched down. The poor thing appeared to be quite confused and not at all happy. It meowed pitifully and poked at him with its front paw.

"Don't worry. Zee will fix this." Tim said as he moved to pick her up. She hissed at him and retreated from his grasp.

"Y/N, I am just trying to get you back to the base. I promise I won't carry you longer than I have to." Tim said, approaching slower and more carefully. Y/N made many angry noises, but allowed him to pick her up anyway.

They got to the watchtower and Y/N immediately bolted from his arms.

"Who let the cat in?" Bart asked, extremely confused.

"That's Y/N." Tim said in a tired voice. "Klarion turned her into a cat and she isn't really happy about it."

"Should I try and catch her?" Bart's body tensed to run, but Tim stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.

"No, she is fine for now. We should go talk to Zatanna first." Bart nodded and they went to go find her.

Meanwhile, Y/N the cat had wandered into the kitchen and jumped up on the counter. She was investigating a bowl of fruit when Conner walked in. He slowly approached her before reaching out to pet her. She jumped and hissed before scratching him and running away.

Tim and Zatanna walked in just in time to hear Conner curse as he studied his newly injured hand.

"Do either of you know why there is a cat in here?"

"It's Y/N. Klarion did it. Which way did she go?" Tim asked

"I think she went that way, but I was kind of distracted when she ran out." Conner said, holding up his scratched hand.

Tim and Zatanna walked in the direction that Conner had pointed. They found the cat curled up on top of a cabinet in the supply room. Tim sighed and started to climb up to get her.

He was halfway there when he heard a voice from the doorway.

"I don't remember us having a cat."

He turned to find his very human girlfriend, tired and dirty, leaning against a wall.

"Y/N!" He rushed to her and hugged her close.

"Well, it looks like you don't need me anymore." Zatanna laughed and walked away.

"I thought you were gone." Tim sighed before kissing Y/N passionately.

"Klarion teleported me a couple blocks away and when I got back to where the fight had been, you were gone so I had to walk home." Y/N explained breathlessly when they separated. "And I still want to know about the cat."

Tim blushed and smiled sheepishly. "Klarion teleported the cat to where you had been standing so I thought it was you."

Y/N tried to stifle her laughter, but failed miserably.

"It's not that funny." Tim said with a small pout on his mouth.

"You thought I was a cat." She giggled, doubling over from laughing so much. Tim's pout grew a little bit more. Y/N calmed her laughter and gave him another kiss on the mouth.

"I forgive you, but we are so keeping the cat."

Tim Drake OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now