Chapter Five

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A/N- Hey guys it's officially summer vacation! So that means more chapters of FSS! Yay! I can't think of anything else to say, so on to the stories!

Are you crazy or are you crazy?

So I wasn't actually there for this one, but my friends told me the story and told me to put it in this book. 

So basically two of my friends were walking around together at lunch, and they were being weird crazies and talking about having a hideout to disembowel people or something, so this guy that was walking in front of them turned around and looked at them like "What the f-" anyway, while this guy is staring at them, (probably wondering if he should call the cops) he ran STRAIGHT INTO A FRICKIN POLE! 

Lol wut a n00b! 

Also, my friends aren't actual killers, I don't know how disemboweling people came up in their conversation....... 

Poor and Desperate 

So this one time I was hanging out with a friend after school and I had a small amount of money. We were going to buy a cookie from the concession, but we were literally a quarter short. So, instead of just giving up like a normal person, I proceeded to drag my friend around the building, going to play Couch Cussion Treasure Hunt, when we couldn't find anything there, we meandered around the building, our eyes on the floor looking for any loose change anyone could have dropped. Then I got the bright idea to drag my friend about a block away to the town water fountain, because people like throwing away their money for some reason. But when we got there we realized the fountain wasn't even turned on for the year yet, so no fountain= no money. So then we walked back into the building, with no money. #It'sTheHardKnockLife

There is a DQ building right by the park where the fountain is. So on our way back to the school, we were walking beside the DQ drive through. 

I looked at the little sensor thingy where you place your order, and figured out in a split second how cars activate the sensor. (Motion) So I stood in front of the sensor and jumped up and down, waving my arms and legs. 

Suddenly I jumped at the sound of "Hi DQ how may I take your order?"

I looked at Meagan with my eyes bulging out of my head and said "RUN!" 

We took off toward the school and didn't stop to catch our breath until we were safely inside. 

That's, sadly, the most bad a** thing I've ever done. Pathetic I know, but I'm a goody goody. 

On the bright side, we did end up getting an extra quarter from the librarian tho because that librarian is really nice and I volunteer often to help her. 


So this one happened earlier this year. (Yes it has to with Gravity Falls.)

So Meagan thinks Gravity Falls is a "stupid dorky show" (I, obviously disagree with that.)

Also, she admitted later that it's "not that bad"

We were having a sleepover one time and she was bored so she told me to show her an episode of Gravity Falls because I wouldn't shut up about it, so I showed her Tourist Trapped (Season One, Episode One- SPOILER ALERT-The one with all the insane gnomes that want to marry Mabel.)

And there is a gnome called Schmabulock. Meagan and I would walk around school going "Schambulock" and apparently in Meagan's class, this one boy, we'll call him V, was trying to say "Schmabulock"  and Meagan kept telling him he was saying it wrong, so he would ask her how to say it, he started saying it right but she just wanted to screw with him so she was still saying he was saying it wrong. Then this guy (We'll call him K) who's the second biggest Gravity Falls fan in our school, (the biggest fan being me) turned around and said "No, that's how you say it." and Meagan just looked at him and said "NOOO, he's saying WRONG. RIGHT K?

Then at the break V came to my locker, knowing I'm a huge Gravity Falls nerd, and asked me if he was saying it right. I was about to tell him he was saying it right when Meagan ran up to me and pulled me aside, telling me about what happened, and I also want to mess with him, so I told him he was saying it wrong. He then asked me how to say it so I said it, and he said he was saying it the same way, and I said he wasn't. 

This went on for about a week before we finally told him he had been saying it right the whole time and that were just messing with him.

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