Chapter 1

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A/N: Hi guys. I wasn't really sure who's POV to make it for the first chapter, since I'm not really sure what Youtubers you guys are a fan of, I love EVERYONE. *smiles creepily in a totally normal fan to idol relationship* So, I don't really know what I was doing here. Also, it doesn't help when your science homework is glaring at you from the corner of your room. Here ya go. *lopsided face* Hope you guys like it. (it's still kinda an intro to the story since i'm not really feeling the creativness surging through my veins today. I think there's to much sugar in my veins right now)

Chapter 1:

Kaylen's POV: Vidcon. They say it's supposed to be the highlight of your year. Whether you are attending as a screaming hormonal fangirl, or a professional youtuber, you should expect an amazing time you will never forget. I was wondering how I could ever forget meeting my all time idols that I obsess over with every fiber of my being, when the hotel I would be staying in came into view. My heart rate went up, and I'm pretty sure my sweaty hands started shaking a little on the steering wheel of my car. I screamed as I drove the car into the only parking spot left and grabbed my small bag, dragging it into the hotel. I walked up the the hotel desk and cleared my throat. 

"Uh, hi," the young blue-eyed boy at the desk mumbled looking up from his IPhone. His  blue eyes were on my boobs. 

"My eyes are up here..." I said waving my hand in annoyance. Maybe I did dress like a slut. My ex boyfriend seems to think that way. Thinking of Jason brought back the unwanted memories that I had tried to push away. 

"Can I just have a room please?" I asked rubbing my temples and popping an Advil from my handbag.

"Uh, your in luck. We have only a few rooms left." he said and I could literally hear him smacking his gum as he talked. Completely disgusting. I actually wanted it to get caught in his longish emo hair. He held out his hand for my credit and gave me my room number and card to the room. Thank god. I couldn't stand to be around that teenage freak any longer. I picked up my small bag of clothes I packed for vidcon and walked excitedly to my room. Oh my god. I am actually here. I wonder if any Youtubers are actually staying at my hotel! I arrived at my room. #361. I slid the card threw the door and opened it examing the beautiful room before me.

My mouth hung open a little as I took in the amazing view that I saw through the window I had. The vivid purple mountains in the distance and icy blue pool down below. This room was so much better than my room back in the small apartment I used to share with Jason in Ohio. I layed my suitcase on my bed and pulled my Nikon out. The scenery out my window was to good not to capture the moment in a photo. I took a picture on my phone, for instagram to. My best friend, Kalli, was back home in Ohio and I had promised to keep her updated on everything. I tried to take a selfie, I couldn't miss this opportunity. As I held up my phone, I could see a person in the picture with me. What the fuck? I whipped around and saw a girl in my room. Shit. I forgot to shut the door! 

"What are you doing in my room?" I screamed at the girl, who had been going through my suitcase. How could I be so stupid, and let myself get carried away like that? She glanced up at me and pushed her pink hair behind her ear. Was everyone at this hotel into that whole "alternative scene" thing? 

"Sorry if I scared you, I just wanted to say hello and welcome you to the hotel." she said with a half smile. Welcome me to the hotel? That was utter bull crap. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine." she said ,sighing. "I saw your car when you came in and noticed that you had all these Youtube bumper stickers and I presumed you were going to vidcon. Most people are in this hotel anyway. I was wondering if you maybe wanted to..." she wiggled her eyebrows. "Meet some people?" I stared at her uncomprehending. She was looking at my car? Umm. 

"What exactly do you mean by meet some people?" 

"Well, I kinda know Tyler Oakley and he invited me over for a drink later, so... you up for it?"

My mothers words of wisdom " Don't drink to much" and "Don't hang out with strangers." crossed my mind. But she FREAKING KNOWS TYLER OAKLEY. I mean, the whole point of me coming to California was to meet Youtubers, so why not.

"How to do fucking know Tyler?!" I asked in disbelief.

"I'll take that as a yes," she said as she grabbed my hand and started to pull me towards the door.

"Oh no no no. I am  not meeting the incredible Tyler Oakley like this." I said motioning to my whole body.

"Yes you are. Now come on!" she managed to pull me out the door. What does she lift or something?

"What's your name?" she asked, her wisps of pink hair hitting me in the face as we ran down the hotel hall together. We passed a "No running" sign on the way, so I hoped we didn't run into any angry maids. 

"You never answered how you know Tyler," I whined. I admit. I find it annoying when I whine too. She crinkled her nose. 

"First let me tell you my name. I'm Ara." She said and stuck her hand out, finally stopping running. 

"Kaylen." I said and shook her hand.

"You got a boyfriend, Kay?"

"Don't call me that. And no." I said getting annoyed at her for bringing up the "boyfriend" subject. It was a touchy subject for me. Jason had just left me and all. Ara looked at me with a knowing glance. 

"Tough breakup?"

"Something like that"

"If it helps, I'm going through a breakup right now too," she said with a sad smile. "I thought I loved him. But I guess the feeling wasn't mutual." I felt bad for this girl I didn't know. "And were here!" she said  cheerfully, lighting up the mood. Room #582. Tyler Oakley.

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